Drug Overdose

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I knock on Ms. Lane's door. After a minute the door opens and Ms. Lane smiles at me.


"hi Ms. Lane, how we're they"

"great, we watched a movie and they all fell asleep. it was great, reminded me of the times when my daughter used to have sleepovers" I give her a soft smile.

"I'm happy to hear that"

"they are actually still asleep, do you want to come in?"

"oh sure" I come inside and she shuts the door.

"I just made some coffee would you like some?"

"oh yes please" I sit down at her island. She brings two cups of coffee and she gives me one.

"I know it's not any of my business but Noah told me you got a boyfriend, did you two go out last night?"

"I did get a boyfriend but we didn't go out, just me and Heather last night"

"oh how nice"


"I'm surprised you and Heather are still friends, I watched you two grow up together and I've never seen a friendship last that long"

"we just got lucky I guess"

"I love breakfast at Ms. Lane's!" Max yells. I let out a laugh.

"yeah me too" Noah says. "better than frosted flakes every morning"

"whoa okay is that you telling me to do better?"

"yup" My siblings reply and I just look at them shocked.

"ungrateful" I say with a small smile. I get into the parking lot of the elementary school. Noah and Max get out of the car. "tell your teachers that y/m/n came home that's why your late" They nod and run into the school. I drive home. I walk inside and I press play on our answering machine.

"hey uh, it's Simon, your clearly not home yet just call me or something. it's uh.... it's my brother, he overdosed" I stop and I look at the answering machine. "he's fine now they uh they just brought him back to life. I just, I didn't know who else to call Deena and Sam aren't answering, neither is Kate. my mom is losing her shit and I just need you" The answering machine beeps. I run back outside and I get into my car. I drive to the hospital because he's probably there. I've never heard his voice like that, he sounded so sad. I park my car and I get inside. "hi uh I'm here for.." fuck what's his name "Kalivoda, anyone here under Kalivoda, I'm his brother's girlfriend"

"ummm" The lady checks her computer. "Timothy Kalivoda"

"yeah that's him, what room?"


"okay thanks" She gives me a visitors pass and I go up to the second floor. I get to the front of his brother's room and I look in. I quickly spot Simon next to his brother's bed with his head in his hands. I lightly knock on the wall and he looks up. Without saying a word he gets up and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and he cries. "he's alright love don't cry"

"I know" He pulls away and I wipe his face.

"let's talk out here" He nods. He sits down in a chair and keeps his head down. I knell down in front of him and I grab his face. "love, what's wrong you said he's alright on the phone?"

"we got in an argument yesterday before I went to the mall with Kate"

"Simon you can't blame yourself for this"

"but I can, I said all these shitty things like that I am the only one that does anything, and I said he was a shit brother and-"

"love, people say fucked up things all the time, I'm sure he knows you didn't mean it" He nods and wipes his face.


"always" He hugs me and I kiss his cheek.

I got to meet his brother and he's actually pretty cool. Timothy got to go home early? I don't know I guess Shadyside doctors don't care if your healthy enough or something.

"what should we do" I ask keeping my focus on the road.

"ice cream!" Both Simon and Timothy yell.

"okay children ice cream"

"don't act like you don't want ice cream" Timothy says.

"yeah y/n" Simon says with a smile. I just roll my eyes.

"don't make me buy you guys car seats"

"jokes on you we wouldn't fit in them" Timothy says crossing his arms with a smirk.

"don't worry I'd find a way to make you fit" He puts his hands up in defense. Simon puts his head on my shoulder and I look down at him. I kiss his head and he smiles.

"God you guys make me feel single"

"yeah well you can have all this if you give up one-night stands" Simon says.

"ah shit really that's what you did to get her"

"yeah" He sighs.

"dude why are you sighing you literally have a girlfriend you can fuck whenever" I say.

"oh right"

"dude!" He laughs.

"I'm joking" I roll my eyes and I pull into the Dairy Queen parking lot. We all get out and we go inside.

"hi what can I get you" The girl asks with a smile.

"your number" Timothy says leaning on the counter with a smirk. She just giggles.

"I have a boyfriend sorry"

"oooh! going to the hospital and getting rejected in a day that must suck" Simon says patting his brother's shoulder. Timothy shoves his Simon off him with a smile.

"hospital?" She asks.

"yeah I got shot in the chest, it missed my heart by an inch" He says with the fakest frown. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"oh! well in actually I'm free tomorrow" My jaw drops. the hell?

"nah I don't do untrustworthy girls" I almost start laughing but I'm stopped by Simon putting his arms over my mouth, acting like he's just hugging me from behind. I look up at him and I see he's stopping his laughs with my head.

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