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"I can not believe you said that" I say taking a lick of my ice cream.

"what about her not being trustworthy or saying he was shot" Simon asks.

"both" We all laugh.

"so what should we do now we got ice cream" Timothy asks.

"go explore"

"what do you mean by explore" We all get in the car.

"me and Heather just go around and we just park the car on the side of the road and we go explore the woods until we find something cool its fun as shit"

"I'm down, Simon?"

"hell yeah"

"oh let's stop here" Simon says.

"okay" I pull off the road and we all get out.

"so what do we do now" Timothy asks.

"we just walk around in the woods until we find something cool" I run down into the woods and they follow.

"this seems like a horror movie" Simon says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"uh finding a murderer out here, cool" Timothy says and I high-five him.

"yeah until you get an axe to the head or something" I roll my eyes.

"no one is gonna get an axe to the head Simon" I reply.

"mhmm sure just you wait"

"I will" We continue joking around and playing as we continue looking through the woods for something cool. We hear a branch snap behind us so we stop and turn around.

"told ya" Simon whispers earning a smack on the arm from me.

"hello?" I yell out and no one replies.

"probably an animal" Timothy says and we continue on. I feel liquid fall down to my upper lip. I stop and wipe my nose, seeing blood on my fingertips.

"Jesus again!" I stop and I tilt my head back after pinching my nose.

"what?" Simon asks.

"my nose!" I take off my sweater, then my shirt.  I put my sweater back on and I zip it up. I hold my shirt to my nose. I tilt my head back down.

"are you alright"

"yeah, let's keep going" We continue walking and we land on this old abandoned stone cottage. It has vines covering one of the sides of the cottage, it was beautiful.

"woah" We all say in sync. My nose has stopped bleeding so I tuck the end of my shirt in my back pocket so I don't have to hold it. We run up to the cottage. On one of the stones by the door it says something. I wipe the dirt off to see what it says.

"y/l/n and Miller 1666-1691"

"what? no way this is that old, it would be gone, none existent" Timothy says pushing to the words.

"move dude" I push back and I look at it again. "y/l/n? that says y/l/n right? I'm not going postal?" Simon looks.

"uhhh yeah that says y/l/n the hell"

"what's y/l/n to you?" Timothy asks.

"my last name"

"woah" I walk through the entrance since the door is broken down.

"this doesn't make sense I've studied Shadyside and Sunnyvale for like ever I've had thousands of tests on this shit, the union wasn't over here and if it was there would be other houses" I look around seeing all kinds of old things that are almost like what Timothy said, none existent. I notice a picture frame on the floor and I go up to it. I see an old painting that's almost completely faded. It has a girl with dark hair smiling and hugging a girl that looks almost identical to me, both of them having crowns made out of something red.

A/N: okay so here's the thing I don't think Hannah Miller had blonde hair or looked like Sam. Both Hannah's mom and dad had dark hair so I assume that Hannah did too. Some people might be like but Oliva played her so she looks like Sam/Oliva blah blah, Kiana played Sarah Feir but Sarah wasn't identical to Kiana/Deena. Elizabeth Scopel played the real Sarah Feir and you can see that in different parts of the movies, so we can say Hannah Miller doesn't look like Sam. lmao sorry for that kinda long rant

"guys come here" I hear Simon and Timothy walk over to me.

"woah that looks exactly like you, hot"

"dude she's like 1,000 years old"

"but she looks like y/n, she's hot" I roll my eyes.

"I'm totally taking this home" I say holding the painting to my chest.

"that's how you get possessed" Timothy says.

"yeah by who my greattttttt grandmother I'll live" Another twig breaks behind us, outside the cottage. We all snap our heads towards the noise. We brush it off and continue looking around. "this place would be so cool to live in"


"hey what if in the future you two moved in here together, no one knows about it, you guys can have sex all the time"

"okay stop trying to get us to move into a cottage from the 1600's"

"y/n" I hear someone whisper behind me. I turn around and I walk outside still holding the painting tight. "y/n" I follow the voice to up closer from where we came. "y/n" I get on my hands and knees.

"y/n" I look up at Simon. "your nose, again are you alright?"

"yeah, yeah I'm alright" I put my hands on Simon's shoulder and he pulls me up by my waist. He grabs my shirt from my pocket and he wipes my nose.

"why'd you run off"

"I uh...I saw something sorry if I scared you guys I should've said something before I went"

"it's fine, Simon used to do that in the store when we were kids" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"we should get going, I have to get my siblings then work"

"yeah let's go" We walk back up to the car.

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