Paint War

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"okay there, the base of our poster" I say as I finish painting Color War '94

"y/n you spelled it wrong"

"it's upside down for you love, it says Color War '94" I say rolling my eyes.


"okay let's start painting" He grabs his paintbrush and dips it in blue paint. He flicks the paint trying to get it on the poster but instead, it gets on me. I gasp when I feel the cold paint on my skin. Simon drops his brush on the table and covers his mouth to stop his laughs. "Simon!" He burst out laughing. I grab my paintbrush and I dip it in yellow paint. I flick it at him and he immediately stops laughing and I start.

"that was not funny y/n"

"oh yeah, and you doing it to me was?"

"yeah" That one word started our paint war. Both of us discarded our paintbrushes and started using our hands. Both of us were running around the art room covering each other in paint. Simon grabs my waist and wipes his paint-covered hand down my face making me gasp.

"Simon!" I yell and he laughs. He starts running and I catch up to him. I hold him against the wall and I pour paint on his head. He wipes his face and pushes his now red hair back. I laugh and I give him a big kiss on the cheek.

"look at us" Simon says with a laugh and we both look down at our paint-covered clothes. We look up at each other's faces and hair. We both laugh. The door opens and we look over and see Heather with her jaw dropped. She starts laughing.

"what the hell did you idiots do?"

"what do you think?" I ask with a smile.

"we had a paint war" Simon smiles.

"great, really cool, you guys are children. I need some pictures for the yearbook soooo"

"go ahead" I say rolling my eyes. She takes one on her Polaroid and one on the school camera.

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(You can choose which one was for the yearbook and which one was just for you guys and clearly, you both would be covered in paint in a art room)

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(You can choose which one was for the yearbook and which one was just for you guys and clearly, you both would be covered in paint in a art room)

Simon was focusing on decorating the poster still covered in paint. He chews on his lip when he focuses I guess, it's cute. I put my chin in my hands as I admire him. I've never felt true feelings for anyone like I have Simon.

Something about him is just different than all the other guys I hooked up with.

He was different.

Usually, I would have ignored him after we hooked up at a party but I didn't.

Simon looks up at me with only his eyes. I just smile at him and he continues making paint splatters and whatnot on the poster. I help him.

Me and Simon had to go to the locker rooms cleaning ourselves off. Luckily we still have the clothes we're supposed to wear to gym class. I walk out of the girl's locker room and I wait for Simon. He walks out, running his hand through his wet hair. He smiles at me and wraps his arm around my waist. The bell rang and students started filling the halls. We start walking away towards his locker so he could get his stuff. He got his stuff and then we walked to my locker where Heather was.

"oh look you're clean!" Heather says and I roll my eyes. She hands me the Polaroid of me and Simon. "I'll let you guys fight over this"

"you have this one" Simon says and I smile at him.

"thanks" I put it in my back pocket. "oh hey are we still on for tonight?" I ask Heather. I put in my combination and I open my locker.

"uh yeah!" She replies with a smile.


"what are you guys doing tonight?" Simon asks.

"well once a week Ms. Lane takes care of her siblings so she can go out for a night so we're going to see Amityville A New Generation"

"yeah, it's gonna be so much fun" Me and Heather both smile.

"cool, tell me how it is"

"will do" The second bell rings telling us to get to class. "bye love" I peck his lips and Me and Heather walk away after I shut my locker.

"you're in loveee" Heather teases.

"I am not in love we just went on our first date yesterday"

"usually you wouldn't give a boy that honor"

"yeah well I wanted a boyfriend so I got one"

"you're in love! aww what's it like"

"I hate you"

"y/n you can't be in love with two people at once" I groan and she laughs. We walk into the classroom and we sit down at our desks next to each other. Some girl on the cheer team, Ally is her name? leans over to me.

"I saw you and Simon Kalivoda in the art room, you guys were totally cute" She whispers.

"thanks" I reply with a smile on my face.

"okay class, today we're gonna take it easy and do a review since we have an end-of-semester test at the end of the week" Mrs. Everyone groans, and me and Heather just look at each other annoyed. "hey! don't complain, you know at the end of every test you all get a reward from me, what would you guys want?" Everyone including me and Heather raises our hands. "yes y/n"

"cigarettes" Some people cheer in response.

"no, I would get fired. Heather?"

"cigarettes shaped as pencils so you don't get fired," Heather says.

"okay, anything but cigarettes" Like half the class put down their hands. I start playing with the ring Simon gave me. Heather got me thinking.

Was I really in love with Simon?

How the hell should I know I don't know what it feels like to be in love.

And it has to take more than a weekend to fall in love right?

I have no fucking clue.

I do feel different when I'm with him.

Like Josh, he's attractive. If he asked me out I would say yes. But with Simon, I feel differently than Josh.

With Simon, I'm already ready to say I do.

And we just had our first date!

I'm mental.

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