Skull Mask Killer

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A/N: so I'm time skipping to the movie time frame 😌

Simon dropped me off at work today so he had to pick me up. I had to work late and I'm pretty sure he had forgotten about picking me up since it's really late. Heather didn't have her car either so we probably have to walk home.

"and have a nice night" Heather flips off the lady as she walks away.

"bitch much" I say with a laugh.

"okay she was being the bitch" Heather says turning around to me.

"she said she didn't like Wrong Number"

"yeah. bitch" I roll my eyes.

"attention shoppers the Shadyside Mall is now closed. the Shadyside Mall is now closed" All the lights shut off only leaving the shop signs to help us see.

"is Simon picking us up"

"no clue, I think he forgot" The phone rings. I pick it up and I hold it to my face. "hello this is B. Dalton's, we're closed leave us be"

"okay, you two are working night shifts again? since when" Ryan asks through the phone.

"since our families suck at paying bills dude" The line disconnects. "hello? Ryan? Ryan you there? Ryan, hello?" I put the phone back on the ringer.

"what?" Heather asks.

"dunno Ryan just hung up"

"Ryan?" We walk out of her store calling for him. A door closes behind us and we shoot around. We quickly see it's Martin and we take a breath to calm ourselves.

"night" He says.

"yeah, night" I say back as he walks away. Someone makes a weird noise and shoves something against us making both me and Heather yell. Ryan laughs and we quickly see that it's him and his fake blow-up girlfriend.

"Ryan what the hell dude" Heather says.

"forgive me" He gives Heather his Orange Julius and me one as well.

"we do need a ride tonight" I say taking a sip of the drink.

"that's what she said" Ryan says while he plays with his doll's boobs.

"you are disgusting and yes we don't want to walk home alone" Heather says.

"fine just give me and Jasmine here 15 minutes to close up" He holds "Jasmine" up.

"you gave her a name" I say with a smile.

"yup, I thought big tits was kinda deflating her ego" Me and Heather look at each other and roll our eyes. We both start walking away.

"what?" We turn around and look at Ryan.

"we didn't say anything weirdo" Heather says. Heather walks over to B. Dalton's and I go over to Radio Shack. As I walk in the store the phone rings.

"hello this is Radio Shack we're kinda sorta closed so call any other time"

"it's me" Simon says.

"oh hey love"

"hey, do you still need a ride home"

"nah Ryan is gonna take us home"

"okay, what's up"

"um I'm closing up. I'm so happy I don't have to stock shelves tonight" Simon laughs.

"I bet you are"

"so what's up with you?"

"nothing, getting my witch costume ready for tomorrow" Simon became mascot so he can ride the bus with me to games since I'm a cheerleader now.

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