Here Comes Your Man

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Me, Heather, Kate, Deena, and Sam were up already and we decided to make chocolate pancakes. Heather brought down her radio and mixtape, which turned out to be almost identical to Deena's. We were all singing our lungs out and laughing. We didn't care if we woke up the boys. Here Comes Your Man by the Pixies comes on and Simon walks into the kitchen right on time.

"look Misery here comes your man" Heather says with a smirk. The girls laugh and Simon picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist.

"oh, so you guys want a show?" I say looking at them and they just smile in response.

"let's give them a show n/n" I cup his face and I kiss him. They cheer and laugh. Simon puts me down. "hey when's the food ready I got work"

"you got time, your employee of the month" Sam says.

"go wake up Josh" Deena says and Simon runs into the living room to wake him up. I get plates and I put them at the table and Kate gets cups and does the same. We put the food on the table. The boys walk together into the kitchen and everyone sits down and starts eating. We all talk and laugh, making fun of each other's dreams or the number of times Josh screamed louder than anyone during the movie. We all finished and we were still talking.

"I gotta go" Simon says getting up.

"take my car" I say and I give him the keys. He walks around the table to behind my chair. I throw my head back and I pull his face down to kiss me. "bye"

"bye" He walks away but he stops and turns around. "we have a date tonight!" He says pointing at me.

"yes we do"

"don't forget"

"you don't forget" He smiles and leaves.

"you have a date!?" Heather asks.

The date wasn't till later tonight and I didn't have much to do. Everyone went home or to work. Heather had a shift at the mall so she let me use her car after I dropped her off to go see Simon at his work and stuff. I walk inside the store and I immediately see him stocking shelves. I sneak up behind him and I put my hands over his eyes.

"guess who?" I say with a smile.

"ummm n/n?" He questions and turns around with a smile.

"ding ding ding" He leans down and kisses me.

"I go on break in a couple of minutes, why don't you just hang out here with me"

"do you think I came here just to kiss you once then leave?" He shrugs.

"I wouldn't be mad about it" I roll my eyes. "hey uh how'd you get here I have your car"

"I dropped Heather off at work so I'm using hers" He nods and continues stacking things on shelves.

"so, I'm gonna need to have a copy of your employee of the month photo"

"if I get that picture of you when you were little I'll give you one of those"

"I have another picture I'll give to you"

"deal" I say rolling my eyes. He smiles at me.

"oh who's this?" A girl walks over to us.

"y/n" Simon says and she gasps.

"the y/n! Simon has been talking about you for months! you finally asked her out!" She grabs my hand and shakes it.

"months?" I ask with a smirk. Simon just rolls his eyes and continues working.

"yes months it was getting very annoying! he was so right though you are gorgeous and you are you are so beautiful!"

"thank you, you are too"

"oh please don't be so polite. did he ask you out yet are you going on a date anytime soon-"

"give her a moment to breathe Gladys" Simon says. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and rests his chin on my head.

"right, sorry hun"

"it's fine" I say with a smile.

"Simon how about you go on break I'll handle this"

"I can finish-"

"no, go! you can't work when there's a beautiful girl like y/n here for you" I giggle.

"alright, thank you" He says and we walk away. Simon comes to the side of me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"so what are we doing for our date tonight Romeo"

"you'll see just dress nice"

"aww it's a surprise I hate surprises"

"I know, you told me the night we met"

"oh, so you're torturing me?"

"I guess" He says with a smile. I roll my eyes with a smile.

I picked up Heather and she helped me get ready and borrow one of her dresses. I look in her mirror at myself.

"you look great y/n" Heather says.

"thanks, I hate dresses" She laughs.

"yeah, I know when we were 10 I had to hold you down so I wouldn't be the only one wearing a dress to the dance" We both laugh and someone knocks on the door.

"he's here" Me and her race to leave the bedroom.

"no, stay!"

"Heather it's my date!"

"make an entrance"

"no way"

"please it'll be cute" I run past her and we run downstairs. I open the door and Simon's jaw drops. God, he looked great he was wearing a suit without a tie and he left his hair fluffy.

"y-you look beautiful" He says starring at me.

"you look...handsome" He smiles. Heather grabs my coat and gives it to me.

"we should get going," Simon says. "we got a long drive" I raise my eyebrow.

"bye Heather" We kiss each other's cheek.

"don't stay out too late" I roll my eyes at her and me and Simon leave.

"you own a suit?" I ask with a laugh. He lets out a chuckle.

"it's my brother's" I nod my head.

"well, you look great in it" He spins around and I laugh.

"you really think?" He asks in a joking tone.

"yeah" He opens the passenger side of my car for me. "thank you" He nods and shuts the door. He then gets in the driver's seat and he starts driving. I notice a cassette tape with our Polaroid in the case. "what's this?" I pick it up and I examine it.

"it's- uh- I had Deena make it. she's weird with music she said our relationship reminded her of certain songs so I had her make us a mixtape because I don't know how to myself"

A/N: it's the playlist just imagine these songs are from the '90s

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