Elf on the shelf (Gandrew)

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**(This story is about Andrew coming home from filming to find Garrett  missing (not really, he was just at a store)Boyfriends*** 

Andrew just got done filming and was on his way to Garrett house, since they weren't living together yet, he gets in the car puts the key's in the ignition, and starts his way over there. Andrew decided that he would call before he makes it over there, but Garrett didn't answer which was strange he always answer Andrew phone calls, Andrew thought  it was weird but didn't question it, he pulled into the driveway of Garrett house, he had a spare key since him and Garrett hung out a lot, put the key in and opened the door, only to find that Garrett was gone, now Andrew started to get worried usually Garrett would be at home waiting, for Andrew to get home. Andrew called Garrett phone again, only for it to go to voicemail, now Andrew started to freak out, this wasn't like Garrett to not answer his phone, or be gone. Andrew called again, and again, and again, till his phone started getting hot.

Andrew started tearing up, he didn't know what to do, he jumped up from the couch and ran to the car, he started the car up and drove around the neighborhood, to see if Garrett went for a walk or walk to the store, he checked everywhere, the neighborhood store, friends house, called friends, he looked everywhere only to find no Garret. Andrew decides to go back to the house, once he went in the house he went to the bedroom and started crying, wondering where Garrett was, if he was alright, just when he was about to call him again, the front door opened and closed. 

Andrew hops out of bed and runs to the door, to see Garrett he runs up and hug Garrett 

"Woah! Andrew are you alright" Garrett asks as Andrew hugs him tighter

"I tried calling your phone, and you didn't answer so I came over, and you were gone, I called and called,  "  I thought something happened to youAndrew said while tears rolling down his face 

Garrett was speechless, not really knowing what to say, he hugged Andrew back "I'm so sorry, I wanted to go to the antique shop downtown, so I took the bus there and spent 2 hours in there, and realized my phone was dead, I didn't mean to worry you" Garrett said with sweetness to calm Andrew down, and it worked Andrew slowed his breathing down, trying to catch his breath. Garrett walked Andrew to the couch, the held each other on the couch, before Garrett showed what he got at the antique store, he showed him this cute little elf he got, before they went to bed the put the elf on the bookshelf next to the raccoons, they went to bed cuddling.

This is my first ever one shot so sorry if it not that good but, I thought it was pretty cute (Smell you later bitches) 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now