I never forgot you (Michifer)

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Lucifer got out the cage again, the angels didn't think there was a chance that he would, but being the rebel and stubbornness angel ever Lucifer found a way out of the cage, being kept in the cage for decades or even eons, Lucifer felt betrayed just for speaking his mind, but he felt more betrayed, or the right word hurt that the person he loved more than anyone would betray him and that person is Micheal. 

Micheal was the one that casted Lucifer to the cage, Micheal loved Lucifer, but being the goody angel he is, Micheal couldn't disobey father orders like that, Lucifer was upset the person he loved and trusted had betrayed him easily, but Lucifer wasn't just going to sit around and do nothing, he thought of a plan a brilliant plan, the plan worked for a while but the fight came, both Lucifer and Micheal got sent to the cage. 

Lucifer Pov

Damn it!! I was so close to beating him those Winchesters just had to throw both of us in, now I'm stuck with the one person who I didn't want to see ever again. I don't want to fall back into that trap again, I won't be betrayed by the same person again. But damn, I can't help myself looking at him, it been so long since we seen each other, I feel so many emotions in one I bet Micheal feels the hatred and betrayal radiating off, I can't help that either, after everything we been through together, it hurts to know he would cast me down, cause of father orders. 

"There's no point in avoiding each other, were stuck down here so we might as well talk" Micheal said with the most calmest  voice, but inside he was breaking from seeing Lucifer again, he was the only true lover Micheal has ever been and loved with. 

"What is there to talk about? You betraying me? Never visiting me? Forgetting about me? I can go on all day" Lucifer said with his normal sarcastic voice. 

"Don't say it like that! I wasn't like I had a choice" Micheal said while raising his voice

"You did have a choice, but you wanted to be the 'good angel' and follow daddy's orders, knowing I was right, but you was so set on making him proud, now look he not even up there anymore, HE LEFT!!" Lucifer said, he felt the tears coming up, but he didn't want Micheal to get him, so he turned around his back facing Micheal. 

Micheal heard the hurt and anger in his voice, Micheal didn't want any of this to happen, fighting the one person the loved him for him was heart breaking, having to cast Lucifer down was hard, and Lucifer was right, he tried so hard to impress Father that he lost the one thing that meant the most to him, every day that Lucifer was in the cage, Micheal thought of him nonstop, he missed Lucifer, but if any angel found out that Micheal was communicating with Lucifer he would be cast out himself.

"I never forgot about you" Micheal said 

"I thought about you everyday, I wished things didn't end the way it ended, I wanted to talk to you so bad but I couldn't, I never found anyone else because there not you, Lucifer I am so sorry" Micheal was full on crying now, everything that happened shouldn't have happened that way, being perfect isn't always the good thing to be, you don't have to be perfect to be loved. 

" I thought about you too, everything that went down, I sat in this cage fueling with hatred for you, but the truth is that I don't hate you, it the opposite, I love you Micheal" Lucifer said 

Lucifer and Micheal sat on the cage floor and held each other like they did in heaven, it didn't  matter what the other angels would say, they loved each other despite their difference, but there was one thing they had in common they both was not perfect.

(I just randomly thought of this idea, I hope it's good like I said before I can't write that well) 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now