Cage (Michifer)

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Micheal Pov

There I sat in the cage with Lucifer, I sat on the floor not speaking because what is there to say?, I betrayed Lucifer, casting him into the cage the first time, I still blame myself for the way he turned out, though Lucifer is a handful and caused a lot of destruction, I can't lie to myself that I don't love him cause I do, always have I just don't show cause I know he'll never feel that same way back, I betrayed him he'll never have feeling for a traitor, I wouldn't. I look up from hands to see Lucifer leaning on the cage towards me while looking straight at me. I keep the stare, his eyes where unreadable but I could tell he was thinking about doing something, but Lucifer was so unpredictable but predictable at the same time, I guess this was one of his unpredictable stares, I turned away not wanting to do something that he might not regret.

Lucifer Pov

I was pacing the cage that's what I did the first time, but I stopped when I saw Micheal zoning out, so I took the moment to admire him, he looked hot despite being in the cage for I don't know how long, he looked like he was thinking of something, I bit my lip restraining myself from doing anything I might not regret, I lean on the cage I was still admiring, Micheal looked at me a soon as I was relaxing against the bars, we kept the gaze up for a few minutes, I could tell he was trying to read me, I had the talent to hide what I was thinking or feeling, and I pretty sure if Micheal knew what I was thinking he would probably be uncomfortable, but I can't help it Micheal been there for me, he taught me how to fly, how to read, how to walk, I would love to tell him what I feel for him, but he wouldn't take it serious, after all the devil is a liar.

Third person Pov

Micheal felt Lucifer still stare at him, It was weird, it wasn't like a 'I don't like you bitch' type of stare it was 'What do you have in mind' kind of stare, finally what felt like hours Micheal spoke up.

"What are looking at?!" Micheal said while getting up off the floor looking at Lucifer in the eyes to show dominance

"do you hate me?"

"What- Lucifer I don't hate you, what are you talking about?"

Micheal was hurt by those words, why did Lucifer think that he hated him, when it was the exact opposite.

"So you won't hate me if I do this?" Lucifer started to walk towards Micheal, Micheal was backing up until he was trapped to his back to the bars, Lucifer was taller than Micheal, so Micheal felt a little overpowered right now, Micheal could easily overpower Lucifer but since he was loving this moment he decided not to.

Lucifer leaned in taking in the moment, an went for the kiss, surprising Lucifer, Micheal kissed back and hard, they stayed there kissing, not worrying about a thing, or wrongs doings, just enjoying the moment.

(I actually tried with this one so I hope it good, but I have no idea, I have other one shots ideas I want to write)

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