I'm Crazy Baby (Tinsworth)

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It been a long week with C.C Tinsely chasing after a killer that's been terrorizing the town for a while now he wasn't any close to catching him any ways. It's just been exhausting working on this case he didn't even know the killers name just the initials 'R.G.' 

C.C. had nothing to go on, so basically it feels like he's given up on the case there really is nothing else he can do about it, so the case has been given to another detective to work on who has a clearer mindset about the case. C.C a little upset but relieved that he can finally get some decent hours of sleep for once.

C.C Tinsely view

I finally got home from taking the train, which took long since it was running late I was so tired, Ever since I gave the case to another detective a lot of weight been lifted off my shoulders, I actually ate an entire meal without wasting it. Tinsely was kinda liking not focusing on the case, but there was something telling him in the back of his mind that was telling him to go back, but he ignored it maybe it was just adrenaline to solve a case, specially a case you been working on for awhile.

I got home to my apartment, which also I had to walk to, I open the door for my cat Obie (*I think that what his cat name is) waiting at the door for me, it nice to see that at least one person or cat is excited to see me, I pick Obie up and pet him in my arms, I put him back down and feed him, since he eats before me. Usually when I get back home it feels at peace but tonight it felt quiet, it quiet everyday in my house but it was quiet quiet, like something was waiting for me in here. Maybe the feeling is just a feeling that you get when your not home all the time so I just pushed it off.

I went straight to the bedroom, since I ate earlier I was also really tired from today this week has been hell for everybody, most of the town at night have been staying in but there are some assholes who think they can't be touched, you would be surprised by how many there are. I open the door to my bedroom, it was clean the last time that I left it there no surprise that it's still clean, I take a shower since it felt like forever.

I got out the shower and got dressed in the bathroom like I always do, but when I walked in the room I could feel breeze coming from the balcony that was next to my bed,

"Obie must of got out again" Tinsely said as he shut and locked the balcony door

but the feeling came back this time is felt like well a stalking feeling like I was being watched very closely, then all of a sudden I was hit in the back of my head

Ricky Goldworth POV

I dragged Tinsley body downstairs, which was quite funny cause his head kept hitting every stair on the way down, but I knew I had to find more information about my case and I usually go to Tinsley office and look through my evidence file, but when I went there moments ago my case was gone and given to someone else! I really  don't like my case being handled like that especially since I've grown fond of this man, and I want him and him only to be on my case, he was different then the other twats. I tie Tinsley to a chair from the dining room and sat on the couch to take a break I wasn't usually the one for kidnapping only murder was my thing, but I am curious and confused on why my case is being handled like this I want to be acknowledged for my work but now that another detective has it it won't be the same. I hear Tinsley wake up with a groan.

Tinsley looked up at the mysterious man in front of him he was quite handsome had somewhat of long hair, tan skin, black buttoned up shirt, trousers, slacks some gold jewelry on and black lace gloves with a switch blade twirling in his hands, but Tinsley was nervous and a little scared but something was calming about his man.

"Who are you?" Tinsley asked coming to his senses realizing he was tied up
"I think you already know, but if you want me to remind you the name is Ricky Goldsworth also known as R.G." Ricky said with grin while walking around Tinsley for a moment
"Wait what? I'm so confused why are you here I don't handle your case anymore"
"I know that what I want to know is Why?"
"They wanted to give it to some one with a clearer mindset they thought I was to deep into the case" Tinsley answered honestly he couldn't imagine what Ricky could do to him seeing what he did to his victims
"That's bullshit, you know Tinsley I have grown to like you even though we really don't know each other , doesn't mean we can't though"
Ricky said he was now sitting in Tinsley lap with legs on both side Tinsley was confused but soon caught on when Ricky was coming closer to Tinsley face and gently kissing Tinsley on the lips, Tinsley was surprised but soon returned he didn't know why but it felt right.

Ricky and Tinsley were in a full blown make out session until Ricky pulled away catching his breath,
"How about you meet me at my place tomorrow then we can continue this conversation" Ricky said while pulling a card out his back pocket and a pen writing his address on it and signing the note with the initials 'R.G.' With a heart next to it
"You really are something else Ricky" Tinsley said while Ricky was cutting him out
After Tinsley was free he stood up stretching his long limbs he watch Ricky go to the balcony window, he turned around and said
"I'm just crazy baby" with a grin before jumping off Tinsley ran to the balcony but Ricky was long gone.
Tinsley picked up the card Ricky had left it was the same hand writing as the evidence collected but he couldn't care less, he knew it was wrong but it was the good kind of wrong that Tinsley wanted.

*Sorry for taking so long to post but I was just Lazy*

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