Different (Gandrew)

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Andrew and Garrett were two totally different people , Andrew was more quiet, socially awkward, and a introvert, more Garrett was talkative, kinda social butterfly, somewhat a extrovert. The duo was so different but so much alike in many ways they didn't know, that was how they stayed friends through the years their personality never crashed with the others it was like fitting a puzzle piece where it belonged, but the secret of crushing on each other was unbearable others could see but them, somehow both of them never knew the others feeling's even when it was right in front of their faces, but they liked it that way for some reason they both knew it was not the right time to confess.

"Andrew, do you want to make a cake? I'm want some cake right now" Garrett whined while sitting upside down on the couch while Andrew sat beside him on his laptop doing some work.
Andrew laughed it was a beautiful laugh to Garrett he always like to hear it "I don't even think you have the ingredients for it"
"Oh! I do Andrew I have been saving it for a video but I could just get some more when the time comes, it's a confetti cake I just don't know what to decorate it as maybe red with pink frosting at the edge oooh! Maybe-"
"I think red with pink frosting is perfect, we will just split the frosting turn one half red and the other pink, we just have to get something to frost the cake maybe a ziplock bag could work?" Andrew said while closing his laptop and looking at Garrett with a smile knowing Garrett would like his suggestion
"Andrew....." Garrett said while struggling to sit up right on the couch once he finally got situated he faced Andrew who was confused by the change of tone in Garrett voice
"Do you think..... I'm handsome?" Garrett asked Andrew was taking aback, he could just feel his face heating up but he knew the answer immediately Garrett was fairly handsome but that didn't matter to Andrew he liked Garrett for who he is not what he looked like
"Yeah, Why do you ask?" Andrew said he could see Garrett was thinking so he let Garrett think and gave him time to talk
"I am just having one of those days, I just don't feel pretty or attractive today It's never been a problem, but sometimes I just wonder" Garrett said he was a pretty active person he liked weird things that other people wouldn't and did things different, but sometimes he wondered why Andrew was his friend, Andrew was good looking, smart, and fit overall perfect to Garrett
"Why are you perfect and I'm not?" Garrett asked
"Garrett, I'm not perfect I'm just.... different to what you do, I can't go out in public in a Halloween costume, I have anxiety, I can't think of creative ideas like you, I can't find courage to do the things you do, I like that you are different that you like to carry wands with you, that you wear mix match socks, that you like spooky things, I like you for you." Andrew said
Garrett never thought of it like that, maybe that's what Garrett needed not to look on the outside but the inside
"I like..... when you let me ramble about dumb stuff, I like that you don't judge me, I like when you hang out with me, tell me things that you like, you are creative just in a different light, I like that you are my friend, I like you for you" Garrett said
They both busted out laughing from the emotional task knowing that what both of them needed
"How about that cake?" Andrew asked with a smile.

*I kinda rushed this one so hope you liked this one, I also haven't made one in a while*

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now