Butterfly (Michifer)

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Micheal was on his way back to his apartment from a long day of work, he had a job as a florist downtown, yes I know cliche but it was the only place that was nice enough to actually give him a job, and frankly Micheal loved it though gardening was far much more work than he thought he would be doing, but it kept him busy. 

As much exciting it was for Micheal to finally rest he know that at this certain time it would be insanely hard for him, 'Why?'   You might ask well the upstairs neighbor was a prick at night, he would play his electric guitars, loud music, even drums. Micheal was just hoping that his neighbor would take a breather tonight so that he could actually get some decent sleep for once in his apartment, but Micheal spoke to soon as on cue when his door closes the neighbor coincidentally started playing his music really loud, Micheal face plant right onto his couch exhausted and frustrated. 

"Maybe they hate me" Micheal thought out loud, though the thought lingered  he couldn't help but to think it as he really did nothing to them, Micheal looks into space as the music is still playing

Micheal was into butterfly's he had them hanging on the wall mostly everywhere you look, but there was one that Micheal was looking at the was hanging on the wall in front of him 'Menelaus Blue Mopho' it was a beautiful butterfly with a rare blue color as their wings or scales, though it is one of the thirty species in the Morphinae it was still beautiful to Micheal he just loved looking and learning about them. 

Just when Micheal forgot about the music the loud guitar ran through his ears again, Micheal wasn't the type for confrontation but he had enough of this bitch, Micheal  still in his button up shirt and black trousers uniform, walked up the stairs to find the apartment that was causing much havoc in the unit, after searching for some minutes he finally found the source of music. 

Micheal banged in the door hoping the person would actually hear it, surprisingly they did and swung the door scaring Micheal in the process it was a guy his age, dirty blonde hair, and a little taller but if you was in Micheal shoes he looked scary, But Micheal cleared his voice 

"Will you turn your music down, it really loud and there is other people in this apartment that really need sleep and don't need pricks like you disturbing it" Micheal said 

"Really, sorry hot but like you and the other people I also live here and have free right to play any instrument that I like, so why don't you take your cute little ass right back to your apartment, ok?" As the stranger winked and closed the door in Micheal face 

Micheal with a blushed and angry face walked right back down to his apartment, Micheal  slams the door and walks to his room and decided to just change his clothes, Micheal was feeling defeated but there really was little he could do, Micheal locks his doors and windows, turned off all the lights and plopped down on his bed waiting for the music to turn back on. 

Before he could his eyes started to get droopy and close but there was no music only silence throughout his house, Micheal didn't question but he did take the advantage and went to sleep. 


Micheal awoke at 8 am as that was when his job started well it starts at 10 but Micheal liked to be early he put on his uniform tiredly when he opened the door he found a package waiting for him at his door, though he was waiting on some sheets since he thought he needed more he took the package inside and set it on the couch to open it when his phone started ringing 

"Hey Micheal, it's Dorothy" Dorothy was Micheal boss she owned the florist shop 

"Hey Dorothy, What's wrong? you need me to come in" 

"No actually I was thinking of closing the shop for today, it me and my wife's anniversary and I don't feel right to just make ya'll work on this special day, and you been working hard all week you deserve this break" 

Micheal couldn't help but to smile he did need a break 

"Thanks Dorothy, I'll figure out something to waste my time"

"Alright Micheal Bye"

Dorothy hangs up

Micheal squealed like a little girl, he was excited but he still didn't know what to do he did have a bookcase he needed to set up, so that exactly what he did Micheal begin setting up the bookcase which he thought would be the easiest thing he could do, WRONG! he kept getting things mixed  up. Finally after so long, it was finished he cleaned the spaced he wanted it to go but something felt off about it, it looked dull so Micheal being creative as he was pulled out his paints and just started painting, it was something Micheal did when he needed a little color in his life, after he was finished it was now 

"8PM!" Micheal screamed looking at the clock the day had gotten away from him, Looking at the bookcase he see's it was worth wasting the day for, he filled the bookcase with books that his brother Sam gave him and little decorations and plant's he loved the way it looked, Micheal then heads to the room took the sheets off the bed put them in the wash for the other sheets to go on. 

As he approached the packaged and opened it, it was not what he expected it was a framed butterfly not just any butterfly a rare one, as much as Micheal loved it he knew it wasn't his and had to give it back he looked for the name 

"Lucifer Novak" was on the package Micheal was a little freaked by the name but he also didn't mind it, it also said the apartment number on the box '210' if he did his math correct his apartment was '201' so they had to be upstairs Micheal just hoped it wasn't the hot prick from yesterday.

Micheal begins walking upstairs with the package, hoping it wasn't the hot one but he still found himself in front of his door looking at the 210, he knocked on the door more softly this time since it was only like 8:30 the door swings open again still scaring Micheal.

"God, will you quit doing that?" Micheal said 

"I like seeing you scared, gives me satisfaction" the man said 

Micheal rolled his eyes "Are you Lucifer?" 

"Yeah? how you know my name?" Lucifer asks 

"I think our packages got messed up" Micheal said with a smile even though he just wants to run and hide from this man 

"Oh, I didn't even notice come inside" Lucifer said while leaving Micheal to come in, Lucifer went to his room to retrieve the package as for Micheal he was impressed by all the butterflies and other insect were hanged on the wall if you would see Lucifer he didn't look like the type to be interested in all this. 

"wow" Micheal said 

"Here you go" Lucifer said with a box that has yet to be opened

"If you don't mind me asking-" Micheal said while exchanging the box 

"Where did you find a Lotis Blue I mean I thought they were going extinct and they are really rare and-"

"Your interested in these?" Lucifer said 

"Yeah, I love collecting these" Micheal said with an genuine smile

"Well, there're my brothers Castiel he wanted me to have them as he already had a copy of them, and didn't want to throw these away so I volunteered to take them as the look cool, but I wanted to give him something in returned" Lucifer said 

"That's really sweet of you, considering our first encounter" Micheal said, he realized that Lucifer was really not that bad of a person just looked like one

"Sorry about that, I have.... a sleeping disorder" 

Now Micheal understood all the music, guitar, and drums were just things to stimulate his mind now Micheal felt bad about that he totally misjudged Lucifer 

"Well, if you ever feel the need to get out you can come over and I can teach you about the butterflies" Micheal said 

"I would love that" 

As it turns out to Lucifer Butterflies were more than he thought, it also turns out Castiel was dating Micheal brother Dean so either way Micheal and Lucifer were going to meet eventually. 

(*Wooo, this is a long one hopefully you like it thank you for 300 VIEWS) 

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