I Love You (Gandrew)

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It's been 2 years since Andrew and Garrett been together, not one of them said "I Love You" yet, Garrett would say it all the time to Andrew, but Andrew felt do bad that he doesn't sat it back yet, Andrew came up with different events to set up for when the time is right to say 'I love you' but there was one that he wanted to do the most so he set out to make it happen. 

20 minute later 

"Andrew where are we going?" a blindfolded Garrett said while walking into the unknown

"You'll figure out when we get there be patient" Andrew was walking or guiding Garrett into the woods where he set up the 'date', it felt like a long walk but soon enough Andrew saw the candles he set up earlier, there was no lie Andrew was a little nervous to say it, but he thought it was perfect time to say it now. 

"Alright you can take off your blindfold" Garrett took off his blind fold and found that Andrew set up a picnic, it  was well placed on the blanket there was plates, candles, a cake, Pop-tarts, Oreo, snacks that him and Andrew would like to eat together, Garrett was appreciative that Andrew set all this up for him. 

"I wanted the date to be secluded, I know it might be a little much, but its worth it because... I love you" 

Garrett felt butterflies in his stomach, he waited so long to hear those words, tears threatened to spill out but Garrett held them in instead all he said was 

"I love you too" 

(I know this is a short one but I wanted to publish something to say THANK YOU FOR 100 VIEWS, it might not be a lot but I never thought I would actually hit that mark, sometimes the little things can be so big for someone and you just don't know it, Thank you truly)

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