Cat (Sabriel)

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Gabriel Pov

It wasn't exactly my fault that Sam got turned into this adorable brown cat by a witch, normally I could turn him back with a snap, but this witch is more powerful and smarter than she looks. The witch made it to where any angel or other celestial beings can't reverse the spell, I already called Dean and Castiel their on the way to figure this mess out, and to put it all together she is dead. 

"What exactly happened?" Dean asked, he just barged in like usual, Sam and Gabriel have a little cottage which is protected by enochian. 

"We were working a case down in Louisiana, were people were disappearing, soon after we found out it was a witch, so we thought it was just a little witch and we'll handle it ourselves, but instead she handled us and now Sam a little cute cat" I said in one full sentence that Cas and Dean barely caught up with the story. 


"Right, I thought it was a good idea to handle it ourselves" I said while I rolled my eyes 

"Meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow...." Sam was just talking nonsense, by nonsense I mean he wasn't talking at all, every thing coming out of the cat mouth was "Meow" I remember saying to myself that this was going to be a long week. 

7 DAYS LATER (because I'm lazy)

Gabriel Pov 

Its already been one week and Sam is already pooping everywhere, and I know he doing it on purpose but that's not all I had to clean, I had  to clean the bathroom cause he chewed the toilet paper, The Kitchen cause there was dishes every where, The living room because the was literally fur every where, It so difficult normally I don't do this, Sam usually cleans everything because as Sam puts it "I can't clean well". 

"SAMMMM!!!" Gabriel calls out as Sam pooped on the floor for the 5th time today

Sam walks in with this cute little innocent cat face, but deep down he know he being a little shit right now. 

Sam Pov 

I pooped on the floor again, mostly cause I like making Gabriel mad, but another thing is that I don't like when litter gets in my paws it feels uncomfortable. 

But I was surprised when Gabriel didn't even pick it up, or scold me for not using the litter box, I walk over to the couch that he was sitting on and jumped there, as soon as I saw his face I knew something was wrong, I sat there a few minutes staring at him hoping he would tell me what was wrong, but he stayed quiet staring at nothing that when I knew something was totally wrong. Gabriel was never quiet for this long unless something bothered him so I tried to do what I always do when he got this .... Talk to him, or try to talk to him.

"Meow, meow meow?" (Gabriel whats wrong?) 

Gabriel continued to stay quiet.

"MEOW!!!" (GABRIEL!!!)

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow?" (Answer me right now or I will scratch the couch, Wait wouldn't that be my couch too?) 

Gabriel finally decides to speak since clearly Sam been trying to get his attention 

"What Sam?, You know I can't speak cat" Sam bitch faces him, but it made Gabriel laugh 

"Meow meow?" (Whats wrong?) Sam said as questionably as he could but he didn't need to repeat as Gabriel already knew by the cat body language  

"I just really miss you, I never knew how hard this was without you, you do everything and I never knew how much stuff you put up with me, now I know-" Gabriel said with a sniffle he was really on the verge of breaking down and today was finally the day. 

Gabriel let it out he cried into the couch facing away from Sam not wanting him to see him cry but it was to late.... Until he felt a hand run through his hair he immediately sat up with teary eyes to see Sam not in cat form anymore to say he was happy is underrated, quickly hugged Sam missing the moose.

"I missed you too" Sam said 

"How did you turn back?" Gabriel said after gaining some thoughts

"I don't know...."

Sam phone started ringing it was Castiel he picked up and heard 

"Thank me later Bitch" was all Sam heard before Dean hung up

"Jerk" Sam said with a smile 

It didn't matter how much Gabriel aggravated, annoyed, angered he still loved Gabriel and all his sweet quirkiness.  

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