Art (Gandrew)

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Andrew been wanting to paint for so long, but never getting around to do it so today he bought two canvases, paint, and brushes. Soon as he got out the store he made his way to Garrett house knowing that Garrett would like to paint with him. Andrew loved hanging out with Garrett, Garrett brought out the fun side of Andrew, but lately Andrew feels attracted to Garrett for some reason, he can't explain the feeling when Garrett comes around, maybe it the craziness radiating off Garrett, he sure has a lot of that energy. 

Andrew pulls up in the driveway to Garrett house, put the car in park, and makes his way to the front door, and just walks in since he just got used to doing that and also knowing that Garrett door not locked, Soon as he close the door, he could hear Garrett call his name. 

"Andrewwwwwwwww!" Garrett said from a room 

Andrew walk in the room with the painting stuff only to find Garrett trying to make a little house of some sort.

"What are you doing?" Andrew said while laughing, Andrew walked over the stuff on the floor to a clean spot and sat down. 

"I'm making a house for the squirrels in the backyard, so they have a house to live in when they get tired from finding acorns all the time" Garrett said with a smile and laughter, Andrew felt the feeling again, Is he in love with Garrett? Andrew replayed that question in his head for a few minutes before realizing he was zoning out. 

"Do you want to paint with me?, I can't find the inspiration other than today, but I wanted to see if you wanted to paint with me." Andrew said pulling the art stuff out of the bag to keep his mind busy of that question. 

"Of course Andrew, I would love to paint with you" 

Andrew gave Garrett his canvas, and put the paint and a jar of water between them since they would be sharing the paint. 

"What should I paint Andrew?" Garrett said since he was somewhat indecisive about certain things 

"Just draw something that you really want" Andrew said 

It didn't take long for Garrett to think of what he wanted, Andrew was already starting to paint he was going to paint something random but with a meaning if that makes sense. 

Andrew started with red, then gold, then blue, then all the other colors, After some time of them painting and comfortable silence, Andrew painting turned out to be a ring mixed with red and gold as the color and beautiful colorful beads, Andrew was satisfied with his art he really felt connected to it somehow maybe it what he was wanting, a connection with someone. 

Garrett wasn't finished so Andrew just sat there waiting on Garrett to finish with his painting so they could show each other for the first time, finally after some more comfortable silence Garrett was finally finished they set the brushes in the jar of water. 

Andrew went first to show Garrett his painting and what the inspiration about it was, Garrett actually loved the painting he tried to bribe Andrew to keep it but it didn't work, Then it was Garrett turn to show what he painted. 

"This painting is really special and something that I truly wanted for a long time" Garrett said with a smile 

Andrew laughed "Ok, show me "

Garrett turned the painting around, it was him and Garrett holding hands, you can barely make it out but Andrew could make it out perfectly fine, he was speechless, but he kinda like it maybe he was a little gay only for Garrett.

"It's beautiful" Andrew said 

"I would like that too" 

Garrett smiled at that comment 

They spent the rest of the afternoon painting the squirrel house, and spending time with each other. 

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