Pie (Destiel)

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Castiel was walking around the town since well Castiel really didn't have a car yet, and he also liked walking places it the scenery that he likes, unlucky for him his trench coat had ripped yesterday so he couldn't wear it today, he was wearing a regular black t-shirt, with jean pants, and black slacks. It wasn't what he wanted to wear but its what he had to buy since he needed new clothes. 

Castiel walked and walked, surprisingly he still knew how to get back home, but Castiel was getting hot and tired, and the glasses kept falling off his face, he stopped at a bakery which by the way it smelt wonderful, Castiel could smell the pies even from outside and he wasn't standing one second out in the blazing hot sun, so he walked into the bakery shop and instantly felt the air cool his body.

Castiel walked to the counter and saw all the pies presenting in the case, there were so many options to choose from, he settled on cheery pie since apple pie was basic.

"A slice of cherry pie and a latte with it please" Castiel said to the worker who quickly typed his order in 

"What's your name for this order?" The worker said 

"Uh Castiel" 

"Alright it will be in a few minute since I have to make the latte, please sit anywhere you would like" 

Castiel sat in the way back of the place, it was a instinct he just loved sitting alone in silence, there were currently no customers at the moment though it was a weekday and people mostly be at work. 

That's when a group of people walked in the bakery laughing

There was a tall man with long hair, with a jacket over flannel and denim jeans 

There was another man shorter than the last man also long hair he had a button up shirt with black pants he had gold earrings in and gold rings with a gold hair clip

There were two girls one blonde one jet black they both kinda look like explorers 

Then finally the was another man average height wore the same thing as the first man but different style he had on a leather jacket, but Castiel would be lying if he said that this man wasn't handsome but like Castiel he wasn't good at catcalling or talking to people, his people skills were rusty and he also just moved in a month ago. 

Castiel turned his head back to the window and watch the people walk by and all the cars drive by, Castiel was a people watcher it was something about watching others having fun or talking to their friend/lovers Castiel was good at body language and like guessing what was going to happen next based on that. 

Castiel turned his head back to the group who was now at the counter, the two girls were holding hands and the shorter long haired man had his hand on the tall man back, so it was clear they were dating. Castiel watched the body language the girls were really excited but also comfortable like a celebration was happening the other couple had calm vibes well the tall one was calm but the short man was hyper looking over all the cakes and cupcakes. The handsome one was... well Castiel couldn't tell it was mixed emotions this guy could really hide his emotions well.

The group sat down at the table closest to the counter and started talking, unfortunately Castiel wasn't closed enough to hear what the was saying but he also didn't care

"Castiel" The worker called setting the order on the counter

Castiel quickly got up and walk to the front to get his order, he was reluctant to get it but he did already pay for it, and he would just have to suck up his social anxiety for once, and that's what he did. 

He went up the counter without looking at the group, but he could tell the group was looking at him he got his pie and actually sat closer to the exit this time so that he has a easy way out and beside Castiel had to meet up with Charlie in 30 MINUTES!!!!!!! 

Castiel quickly ate his pie and took his latte and bolted out the door in a flash and took of near where Charlie apartment was, soon as he got there Charlie open the door to greet him

"Castiel!!! you came I didn't think you come since it like a house party"

"Yeah I thought I try something new I can't just be coupe up in my room with only 1 friend" Castiel joked but Charlie let him in well there wasn't really that many people by that many I mean on Dorothy her girlfriend was there maybe every one ain't came yet 

"Hey Dorothy" Castiel said as him an Dorthy hugged 

"Hey Cas, how you been?" 

"Good just working I guess which really isn't hard  since it's the Library" 

" Well the food is done if you want some" 

As Castiel thought about it he hasn't ate anything other than the pie so maybe a little plate won't hurt 

As Castiel was making his plate he was so debating whether he wanted cranberry sauce or not he didn't hear the other people walk in 

"Hey Dean" Charlie said 

"Hey kiddo, nice place you have I'm jealous" Dean said as Sam and Gabriel, Jo and Meg checked the place out

"Thanks Dean, the food done Cas is in their now if you want to meet him, he's just really shy and awkward when you meet him so be nice to him" 

"What do you mean I'm always nice" Dean said with a smile as he walked to the kitchen only to see the guy from the bakery talking to himself how cranberry sauce useless

"Maybe you should just leave it out" Dean said 

Castiel turned around and froze 'it the guy from the bakery, what should I say?'

Castiel still frozen and staring at the man

"Uh... sorry I don't know how to socialize" Castiel said with a red face 

Dean laughed it was quite cute how 'Cas' was 

"My name is Dean" Dean held his hand out for Cas to take 

"Castiel" Cas said 

"Nice to meet you Cas" Dean said while giving a quick kiss to Cas hand which again made him flustered 

but him and Dean actually talked the whole night knowing that they were going to be seeing each other again. 

(*Sorry, It not good as the other ones but it is longer than the other ones and I quite proud of that if I say so, but I hope you enjoyed it) 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now