A Birthday Gift (Gandrew)

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***Andrew birthday was a couple days ago and Garrett has yet to get are sweet boy a gift***Boyfriends 

Garrett was sitting on his bed searching the internet and thinking of things he could get Andrew for his birthday, Garrett felt bad that he didn't get Andrew a birthday gift, but Andrew insisted that he didn't want one and that Garrett was the greatest gift he could give him. Garrett still wanted to get him something, something unique that reminds him of Andrew, but nothing came to mind Andrew was one of a kind and different from the rest. Garrett was brainstorming in his bedroom, then an idea came to mind, "What if I create something, something that Andrew will keep forever" Andrew really liked that ring Garret made, what if he created another one. 

Without hesitating Garrett jumps up and put's on his shoes, grabs his keys, and makes his way to his car to go to the store to buy the supplies. Garret goes to the store gets the supplies and makes his way back to his house and makes the ring. When Garrett finishes making the ring he was impressed on how good the ring look, he just hoped it fit on Andrew, the ring was made from wire thick so it won't break, it had beads around, the beads were near an emerald and peridot color so it represent their birthstone. 

Garret put the ring in a box, and in a bag for Andrew when he gets home. Garrett waits on the couch a little impatient because he can't wait to see Andrew face for when he open the present, Andrew was a little later then usual, Andrew pulls up in the driveway with taco-bell in his hands he opens the door to see Garret with a bag, sitting on the couch. 

"What have you done?" Andrew said with suspension in his voice 

"I got you, or made you a present" Garrett said with his childlike laugh 

Andrew sets the taco-bell down on the coffee table, and sits down next to the bag

"I thought I told you, I didn't need a present I already have something and that's you" Andrew said 

"I know, I know but I felt bad so I made you a present" 

"Made?" Andrew said 

"yep" Garret said while eating a taco 

Andrew opens the bag and see the little box, he takes it out of the bag, and opens the box. Andrew see's the ring he thought it was beautiful, the beds, the beautiful the coloring of the wire, it was just beautiful. Andrew slips the ring on his right index finger, Garret was pleased that Andrew liked the gift and that it fitted, without warning Andrew jumps on Garrett and starts showering him with kisses. 

"Thank you so much, its so beautiful you made this?"Andrew asked

"Yep, its are birthstone color, I found them in Walmart" Garrett said with a laugh 

Andrew and Garret sit on the couch and talk birthstones and ate the tacos. 

(Sorry this is so short, I thought about it since Andrew birthday was a couple days ago, It was a cute thought sooo........) 

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