Psycho (Tinsworth)

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***This a tinsworth one-shot I decided to make, It has kinky things in it, I don't know, I suck at writing***

Tinsley opens the door to his apartment to see his cat Obi sitting on the couch licking himself, smiling at the site, Tinsley put down his stuff on the couch and takes off his coat and hat, and hangs it on the rack, walks over to his cat and sits down next to him. Tinsley strokes the cat fur for a few minutes, before getting up to feed Obi before he scratches the couch all up out of revenge, After Tinsley feeds his cat he goes upstairs to change his clothes, it been a long day, chasing after the notorious killer Ricky Goldsworth, of course he got away again, but Tinsley wasn't complaining after all nobody knew that Ricky was really the detective "lover".

It was some what a thrill chasing after each other, leaving little clues, except leaving dead bodies, Tinsley loved the thrill  his "lover" makes him feel, Ricky loves it too the feeling of someone chasing after him, leaving clues to where he would be, but behind closed doors was a different story, Ricky was a 'loving' person to Tinsley.

"I'm HOME!!!!!!" Ricky yelled while walked into the apartment, it was something he always did when he came to visit from 'working', Tinsley was sitting on the couch with Obi in his lap, but Obi jumped up and went to greet Ricky since he liked him more than Tinsley. 

Ricky jumped into Tinsley lap, while his clothes were all bloody, "Ummm, shouldn't you change your clothes" Tinsley said while looking at his lover clothes with a eyebrow raised, "Maybe, but you love me bloody or not, don't you Tinsley" Ricky then took a knife from somewhere, and put the knife under Tinsley chin. 

Tinsley gulped, this was something Ricky did some days when he came to "visit" Tinsley, but it still scared Tinsley sometimes Ricky was unpredictable with his actions, but Tinsley would be lying if he said Ricky wasn't hot when he did it, maybe it's the psycho in him, or in Ricky that he finds attractive. 

"Of course Ricky, who wouldn't love an attractive psycho like you" Tinsley said, a smirk almost tugging at his lips, but kept it hidden for his sake of his life, Tinsley might've just said something that could make him die any minute now, but he didn't regret it, he wanted to show Ricky that he just as psycho as Ricky is.

Ricky was surprised that Tinsley spoke to him like that, it honestly turned Ricky on, but Ricky couldn't let him have full control yet, "Well well well, looks who finally some courage to talk back, wish you do that more often gives me tingles, though I know you won't cause your're a little bitch for that" Ricky said with a wide grin on his face knowing that would get Tinsley a little ticked off, he knew Tinsley was a brave and courageous man Ricky just loves teasing him back. 

Before Ricky could say anything else he felt something on his rib cage, it was gun that Tinsley had at his rib-cage, Ricky was surprised it looks like nobody would be giving up soon, since both were too stubborn, Tinsley felt like he ratio-ed Ricky with the gun, he was actually enjoying this sexually and mentally, it was something that fueled a fire in his soul, being at the verge of death maybe he was psycho.

"Well, Charlie what are you waiting for? if your going to do it, do it just know your're coming with me" Ricky said with a smile as he pushes the knife further into the detective throat, but not far enough to where it could kill him.

"Well, Ryan how bout you do? since your so sure about it, I can be just as crazy as you" Tinsley said with a laugh, knowing hear Ricky real name will set him off, it was just a cat-mouse game one of them will make it. 

Ricky smile faded away once he heard his real name, he now positioned himself more secure on the detective, "Well, Charlie I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, what if got out the famous detective was sleeping with a criminal, not just any criminal, but the infamous "Ricky Goldsworth" would you imagine the reaction of your people" Ricky said with a mischievous grin on his face.  

Tinsley thought about it, what if Ricky really did that? there really was no telling if he was lying or not, he didn't know what gotten into him but he slammed his lips into Ricky, while dropping the gun on the floor, he knew Ricky wouldn't give up that easily he also loved when Ricky was in control. 

Ricky was on top of Tinsley on the couch, he pulled back from the kiss, slid his knife down his throat to his stomach seductively, Tinsley loved every second of it, maybe he was psycho, maybe it was wrong being in love with a criminal a murderer to say, but he just didn't care, people could say whatever they wanted to say, the would never understand would they?. 

"Why don't we take this in the bedroom, Charlie?" with that both them went into the bedroom, lets just say there were knifes involved, what can I say, someone has a knife kink. 

(This story not my favorite, but oh well, it also my longest one, I just suck)

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