Losing My Mind (Shyan)

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I looked in the corner of my dark room, I swear I was seeing a figure just standing there looking at me But I couldn't take my eyes of on it, it was just standing there, 'It not there Ryan, it all in your head'. I couldn't take it anymore the silence was deafening and the stare was weighing me down I quickly turn around and turn the light on when I turn back it was gone 'I was right, nothing was there'. I sigh in relief but I was still scared put my mind I left the light on, grabbed my fat sheep plushie and held it until I fell asleep, I wasn't going to get much but it was some sleep, then I slowly drifted off.

As I awoke the sun was up, I look over to my alarm to see if I woke up too early, it was 9am perfect timing to get up and do every routine I do before I goes to work, I worked at a company called Watcher, Ironic if you ask me, but it was a good job they paid me well and understood my earliness. I get there just a few minutes early to set up my desk with papers I needed to do or videos I needed to edit, though I was still looking for a co-host for my show called 'Ghost Files: Debrief' I knew I needed at least one person to do my adventures with.

I look at my emails first looking for applications, until I see one my friend Sara sent me
'Hey Ryan, I know you said you was looking for someone to have for your show, I have the perfect person for you to work with, now he doesn't know I'm writing you but I think he would be glad to take the job, his name is Shane Madej he is a skeptical about all of it but I think y'all would work perfectly together, if you are interested please contact him
Love, Sara'

I don't know about calling the number but I decided to write down on a sticky note and put on the corner of my computer just so I know where I put it at and got started on editing on some videos. It took awhile but it was finally done I looked at the clock seeing it was the exact time to clock out, I was getting my stuff together until I looked back up seeing the number and the name 'Shane Madej' written in green ink at the bottom, I grabbed the sticky note looking at it a few minutes before deciding to just take a leap of faith and text the number
'Hey this is Ryan Bergera from Watcher,
Your friend Sara gave me your number for an application to a new show called 'Ghost Files: Debrief' and I would like to interview you if you would like please text or email me back for more instructions'

I hit send on the message and put my phone back into my pocket gather my stuff and head out the door, I was dreading going back home from last night events but I knew it was in my head, though I was out of my pills, I quickly jotted down in my brain to get a refill of them, I quickly got in my car and started up driving to my home. As I get home I open the door and close it locking it, I ran upstairs to grab my empty pill bottle putting on the table as a reminder as I turn back towards the stair I see a dark shadow figure standing there, I quickly close my eyes opening them again to nothing, all I knew was I needed to refill my pills asap.

I looked at my phone to check any message there was one
'Hey I think you got the wrong number, I'm not Shane'
I quickly got my laptop out to recheck the number in the email, but I couldn't find it I quickly look for the sticky note, when I finally found it what was written on was just chicken scratch no name no number but the same green ink scribble, I am so confused that I don't even know what to do now all that I can think of is "Who is Shane Madej?"

I now sit there trying to remember if there was anything else I imagined, did I really go to work? 'Work' I thought then I was think of the name of the company 'Watcher' it sounds so familiar in a different sense, I looked up the company name no results found, I looked up Sara Rubin no results found, I looked up My name all I see is a picture of me and a car that looks crashed, finally I looked up Shane Madej all it said was 'Wake Up Ryan'

I awoke to bright lights my head is.... Pounding I try to reach my hand up but everything hurts, it felt like I was in bandages, I didn't know what was happening, then I remember everything I was texting Shane while I was driving I wasn't looking what I was doing all I remember was blank, I hear a figure moving beside me I look beside me to find Shane sleeping on the couch.

"Shane" I said weakly as I felt I haven't spoke in a long time
Shane slowly came to his sense once he realized I was awake and speaking to him he quickly got up running next to my hospital bed
"Oh Ryan, thank god you're awake" Shane then runs out the room and come back with doctors they examine me, my head, and ask me to follow a little flashlight Shane was right there watching it all,
"Ryan, do you remember anything?" the doctors asked
"I remember driving, and then I was in this other world I-"
"Ryan you been in a coma for 2 weeks" the doctor said
I wasn't believing what I was hearing what I saw and felt, felt real but it was all something my mind made up, but now I was relieved that I survived something so serious, the doctor went out to speak to Shane, soon Shane returned.

He grabbed my hand and kissed not minding his bruised it was, I couldn't help the little tears rolling down my face but Shane was there to wipe them for me, he kissed a little peck on my lips
"I knew you would make it, I never left your side unless I stanked" Shane said trying to lift the mode better and it worked I chuckled a little bit it hurting in the process but it made me realize that I had someone that was there and always will be.

Don't text or drink and drive.

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now