Haunted Rain (Shyan)

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***They are staying in a haunted house, it raining, and Ryan gets scared as usual, and Shane is there to hold him***Feeling for each other  

Ryan and Shane had just got done filming the first part of the episode, now came the part where they had to sleep. Ryan was absolutely terrified since this house was a demon house, and of course he can't leave because it pouring down rain, they would have to wait it out. Shane pulled out his sleeping bag and put on the nasty, dusty bed that was in the room they were staying in, Ryan did the same but more closer so he could feel safe, Shane thought it was weird but didn't think nothing about it since he was exhausted from driving, and filming. Ryan went to the bathroom brushed his teeth and put on his night clothes as fast as he could,so he wouldn't have to be alone. Ryan walked out the bathroom to find Shane already in the bed waiting for him, so he could turn off the lights, once the lights turned off, Ryan mind went to thinking not allowing him to sleep, he thought he was seeing shadows, hearing noises, and growls. 

Of course Shane was fast asleep, since he was not a believer in ghost, Ryan scooted closer to Shane's back since his face was turned, Ryan felt more safer and protected, Shane smiled as he felt Ryan on his back, he turned to face Ryan pretending to be sleep, took his long ass lanky arm, and throw around Ryan waist and pulled hims closer. Ryan was startled, but his face flustered a hot pink, for some reason he liked it. Ryan leaned in and put his face on Shane chest, making Shane surprised that Ryan didn't push him off, Shane felt his face heat up, trying to hide a smile. Ryan fell asleep after.

Morning came, Ryan woke up to find that him and Shane were still cuddling, Ryan backed up waking Shane up 

"Hey, Shane wake up, we got to go" Ryan said getting out of bed and getting  dressed in front of Shane since he hated the bathroom, Shane sat up to see Ryan changing he immediately looked away not wanting to make Ryan uncomfortable or get excited (if you know what I mean). Ryan looked at Shane to see him looking away flustered. Ryan walked over and something Shane would never see him do.Ryan took Shane face and smashed his lips against Shane's.

"What was that about?" Shane said with surprise and confusion in his voice, he couldn't understand it he didn't think Ryan swung that way, he guess he was mistaken 

"Well doofus, what do you think?" Ryan said with a wheeze 

"You're full of surprises Bergara, you know that" Shane said with a smile, while holding Ryan hand 

"But you like it" Ryan said with a smile 

Shane got dressed, they packed everything up, and went out the door, still drizzling, but it didn't matter this was a start of a beautiful relationship, and Ryan and Shane would stay together after that incident. 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now