Deserved (Sabriel)

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*I really like the 'maybe oneshot that I did, and I want to make another one like that but with Sabriel*

Do I deserve it?

Contemplating on a man I love even though he hasn't heard it, 

I think I deserve it 

I bottle up my feelings and preserve it, I'm just waiting till the day that the man that I love will need it. 

Should I deserve it? 

I think about that question a lot, it doesn't matter what I think my mind will always hold that thought 

It doesn't matter what I thought 

It matter what HE thought, that question that stay in my is, "Does he love me or not?" 

He loves me

Sam Winchester took the words out of my thoughts, but him saying the words put my mind into a shock. 

I thought wrong 

he love me so, I was overthinking my thoughts, I love him, he loves me, wow maybe that wasn't so hard after all. 

*It still sounds like a rap to me, oh well I like hope you do too*

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now