I Love Him (Gandrew)

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I Love him I don't know how to explain it, but I can't stop thinking about him, Andrew is just perfect to me, everything about him gets my heart racing, I love him, but I could never tell him, hes straight he would never feel that way and it will just make it weird if I do. 

It all started when Andrew did this stupid cute thing, We were at my house coming up with a new video idea since we decided to take it serious, as always I was distracted and when I get distracted it hard to get me back on track, and Andrew was focused on editing a video on his and he was focused I didn't want to bother him, I was really bored so I started talking talking out loud knowing Andrew can't hear me but at least it feels like he is, 

"Andrew, you probably can't hear me so I just gonna continue talking," I said looking over to see if he heard as expected he didn't he made his cute focused face that I smiled at before talking again

"Well I think I been overthinking lately, I just have a lot on my mind I can't talk to you about, most of it is about you but lets not get into that-" I said turning away from Andrew getting in a comfortable laying down spot on the couch 

"I- I don't know, it is hard to talk about them knowing you can't hear me but I know you're there so I feel a little bit better talking about it, that why your my friend, you somehow get me even when I make no sense you still understand, I guess that's why I love you more than I should" 

"What?" Andrew said 

I jumped from where I was sitting not really prepared or expecting for Andrew to hear what I was saying I didn't even hear him move 

"I- I uhhh, didn't mean it like that, what I meant was- I uhhh" I was stammering over my words, by now it wasn't worth changing what I said 

Andrew face was filled like he was thinking for the right words to say, Andrew was finished with editing a while when Garrett started talking but he didn't mind when Garrett rambled, but to know he was feeling certain a about Andrew was not what he expecting, to be honest Andrew didn't feel angry or disgusted, he kinda felt relieved but he wasn't gay not to his knowledge but for Garrett he was definitely gay 

"Forget I said anything!" I said getting nervous when Andrew wasn't saying anything 

"Garrett, please calm down" Andrew said putting his hands in Garrett, I didn't even know I was breathing hard 

"Breathe" Andrew said, I closed my eyes and took deep breathes, I opened my eyes back up and saw Andrew looking at me with most comforting eyes he always had

"Thank you" I said 

"That's what I am here for because I love you too" Andrew said his face kinda getting red he said it he said the L word it just kinda came out 

"Oh thank god, I thought I would have to die in embarrassment for the rest of my life" I laughed and Andrew laughed with me, it was a minute before we stopped laughing taking in this moment forever 

"If you would like, I am pretty hungry, Dominoes?" Andrew asked 

"Dominoes" I said 

Though I was nervous and embarrassed we decided to take it slow Andrew is new to the whole dating a guy, but it didn't matter I love Andrew, I loved him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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