Meet with an Ex (Spideypool)

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Peter was nervous, maybe it was the feeling of seeing him that made him want to hide in his bed Peter didn't want to get his heart broken again, Meeting his ex Wade aka Dead-pool was hard enough on him as it was he loved Wade and there was still emotions in Peter that are begging to be released but he has no one to talk to this about not Aunt May, not Ned, definitely not MJ so he kept the feelings in, some days he would cry but he stuck it through, until Wade contacted him and asked him to meet him Peter almost blocked him but he had to see what he was going to say he had to.

You are probably wondering what happened, well Wade and Peter were together for like a year and it was going pretty good, until one day Peter woke up and Wade was gone, his clothes, accessories, everything of Wades was gone Peter didn't know why and it messed him up, Peter hasn't been with anyone ever since, that was a 1 year ago, exactly one year until the same day he left the same day he comes back.

Peter got dressed the most normal clothes he always wears when he isn't Spider-man, his hair unwashed and curly he was tired too, it was like there was not enough sleep to fight the sad mood or the unmotivated mood, Peter thought there was no point, he walked out the apartment locking it and heading to the small cafe near the apartment him and Wade always used to go, but he hasn't been there since he was that heartbroken didn't want anything to be reminded of Wade but that was a terrible fail.

Wade sat there fiddling and fidgeting with his hands he was nervous, he didn't have any idea how to say or show Peter how sorry he really was, it was a really hard year for him not seeing or holding Peter, he practically left Peter without a explanation to his actions, to be honest Wade couldn't explain his own actions, but Wade was focused and determined to get Peter back, he even left the suit at home to show Peter his expressions

(He doesn't want to see us, He probably won't show up)

{Have faith, Peter isn't like that he likes getting answers he will show up}

Peter walked through the doors catching Wade eyes with his with a glint of anger but he needed answers before he went off, Wades heart was beating fast he saw Peter walk over with a fast pace and sit down

"So..." Peter said with a hint of anger his finger tapping on the table and his leg bouncing the emotions ready to spill out of him any second now

"Peter I.... I have no excuse for my actions I-"

"NO EXCUSE!!!"Peter yelled softly not trying to get others attention thankfully they were sitting in the far back

"No excuse for leaving me for 1 year, no excuse for not telling me where you been, if you was all right, if you WEREN"T DEAD!" Peter said he was frustrated and angry but mostly he was hurt that Wade hadn't at least left a note

Wade knew he messed up, looking at his beautiful boyfriend all hurt from him, making him realize the reason he left only to end up hurting him again, he loved Peter

"Peter I just didn't want you to die from my hands or someone that wants to hurt me, do you know what I would if you died at my hands, I couldn't risk it, I needed to take care of them first so that I could have you in peace" Wade said

Peter looked at Wades eyes stood up and walked out he couldn't take it anymore the pain, feeling like a burden, Peter didn't need protection hell he is fucking Spider-man but to Wade it didn't matter every and any hero can die even Wade one day, Peter kept on walking to he reached the apartment not caring if Wade was following or not.

Peter unlocked the apartment hearing Wade still calling his name but he didn't care he slammed the front door not bothering in locking it, but locked himself in the bedroom sliding down the doors the tears finally bursting out, his brown eyes were now glossy with Wade on his mind, even all that time he still loved Wade

Wade walked up to the front door


{Open it Wade, we need him}

Listening to the boxes he opened the door finding the home he loved still the same, a little gloomy but he still loved this place and wouldn't stay with anyone other than Peter, He walked up to the bedroom door hearing Peter crying behind it he hated hearing Peter cry it was a sound he never wanted to hear

"Peter?" Wade asked

Peter stayed quiet not having anything else to say, instead climbing into the bed to hide away like he wanted to do from the beginning

Wade tried open the door to find it was locked, he had to think on how to get in there he wasn't leaving that quickly

{Remember how we always came in the bedroom after a patrol}

(The Window)

Wade got the idea and quickly went to the balcony and started to climb across to the window opening it up and climbing in like old time he missed that time but he was determined to get Peter get back he loved him.

Wade quietly walk over to Peter in the bed, he could hear sniffling come from under the covers, he hated hearing Peter cry.

"Petey baby?" Wade said crouching by the bed
"Sniff- What do you want?" Peter said too embarrassed to show his red face to Wade even though he seen it before

"I want to see your face" Wade said
Peter thought about it, before he slowly pulled the covers off his face revealing his red cheeks and eyes to Wade who had a look of sincere on his face

"Peter, I love you I'm so sorry but please let me explain myself"
And that's what Wade did he told Peter everything, Peter was still upset but he knew Wade well enough it was for good reason, they talked the whole night catching up on everything.

(It is trash but oh well, I'll make more I guess, Thank you for 400 views)

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