Monster (Shyan)

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*** This oneshot is dedicated to the song "Monster by Olivia Olson and Half Shy in Adventure Time", I totally loved the song it just speaks to me, and DemonShane is in here so it works out***

"I know we'll never grow old together"

Shane and Ryan was sitting in a field, stargazing it was a perfect night, not to breezy not too hot, it was perfect. Ryan was laying beside Shane, wondering how he got so lucky, sure he was scared when Shane told him that he was a demon, but Ryan soon realized that it was still Shane, the same Shane that makes him laugh, comforts him when he scared, listen to what he has to say, it's all perfect. 

"Cause you'll never grow old to me"

Shane laying on the ground, he was nervous, he was going to pop the question, he usually doesn't feel feelings, but with Ryan he feels everything, loved, happiness, warmth, appreciated, everything he could ever ask for, he wanted to spend the rest of demon lives out with Ryan, even though Ryan would die first they will always be together even in spirit realm. 

"You're the pink my cheeks, and scared cause that means I'm a little bit soft"

"Hey Ryan, did anyone ever tell you you're beautiful" Ryan felt his cheeks heat up, "Of course, you, you say it all the time" , "Well it's true, you're the most beautiful person I ever meet, you have a beautiful soul, smile, personality, I love every part of you" Ryan was speechless, Shane doesn't usually talk about his feelings like that, "Well if I'm beautiful, then you're handsome,I love that you protect me from ghost's and demon, I love that you make me laugh when I'm scared, or reassure me when i'm freaking out, I love every part of you". 

"Don't beat yourself up baby, it wasn't just the sun I was hiding from, we were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live," 

"Even when I'm a demon" 

"I always felt like a monster"

"I love you, even when your're a demon, nothing will every stop making me love you"

"Way before I was this, I'm only seen as a monster,"

"There is something I want to ask you, Ryan you know I love you with all my invisible heart, nothing will ever tear me away from you, not even Satan can,"

"Let's just say I'm used to it,"

"I love you, your flaws, your smile, your kindness, I want to spend my life with you forever,"

"And I grew tough cause love, it only hurt me back" 

"Will you marry me, Ryan Bergara" Ryan was shocked his eyes filled with tears, now he knows why Shane was acting the way he was, the secrecy, the saving money, it all makes sense now  

"But loving you a good problem to have,"

"Yes, I will marry you" Ryan hugs Shane from the neck and sobs in his neck, it wasn't a sad sob, it was a happy one, Shane slips the ring on Ryan finger

"And I'm used to that, but I could get used to this"

"I Love you"

"Yeah I'm used to that, But I could get used to this"

Shane and Ryan lie back down, on the grass, Ryan raised up his hand with the ring on his finger and said "I'm a Madej now" with a smile 

"I know we'll never grow old together, cause you'll never grow old to me"

" You sure are, always and forever" 

"You're the pink in my cheeks, and love that it mean's i'm a little bit soft"

They both lie there together in each other arms, that's all they ever needed, was each other, the love would never fade away between them, you could say they were match made in heaven

"Your're the pink in my cheeks, and I love that it mean's i'm a little bit soft"

(Author here I had to change some lyrics, to make it fit the story, but I love this song and I had to do something with a song, and I chose this one, hope you like it, peace out bitches) 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now