A Place in this world (Destiel)

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Castiel Pov

I was in the library like always, with headphones in listening to Taylor Swift "A Place in this World" It was my favorite song at the moment, I was sitting in a bing-bag reading 'The Graveyard' by Neil Gaiman I just started reading it, it was pretty interesting so far.

I look up from my book to check my surroundings and notice a boy my age (Castiel like 15 in this story sooo....) at the computers, so I use my sneaking skills, since people can't hear me when I walk up, the boy had some strange things pulled up on the computer, something about werewolves and how to kill them, it was pretty fascinating on how much information was on this kind of thing. 

The boy was getting frustrated when the site wouldn't pull up. 

"You have to turn the internet on" I said 

The boy spun around out his seat, somehow manage to have a knife in his hand ready to fight. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!, I didn't mean to scare you" Castiel said while pulling his glasses up to his nose 

Dean Pov 

I spun around to see a boy my age, in a trench coat, he looked like a salesman to me, but he had these beautiful blue eyes, I had to come to the realization that I still had my knife in my hand.

"Uh, sorry you startled me, I didn't think anyone was in this area" I said while putting my knife away trying not to scare him away. 

"How did you sneak that past the detectors?" blue eyes said

"Uh, I just did" I said 

"Whats your name?, I never seen you here before"

"Dean" I didn't say my last name just in case 

"Oh well Dean, I'm Castiel" 


What a beautiful name it fitted him well

"Why are you searching up werewolves?" Castiel asked 

"Uh well... It was for a.... project" I said not wanting to tell him I kill monsters for a living 

"I can help you if you want, I'm good at history and mythical creatures" Castiel said 

I thought a moment about it, 'Maybe help wouldn't be so bad'

"Sure Cas I would love the help"

Castiel was caught off gaurd by that name, but he like it so maybe this once wouldn't be so bad.

They both stayed and research and talk about everything, It was a moment neither of them will forget, maybe there could be more moments like this in the future. 

*I wanted to make something short, for ya'll and we hit 200 views, it's crazy I started this book thinking no one would read it, But I stuck it through and came out good hopefully it will continue to grow, but thank you*

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