Delightfully Dark (Gandrew)

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***Power went out, and pouring down rain***Not together just like each other**

It was a Monday and Andrew didn't have to film today, so he just did the usual and go to Garrett house, Garrett was his best friend he liked going over to Garrett house, Garrett brings out the fun side of Andrew, but lately Andrew been feeling some type of way about Garrett, every time Garrett smiles or laugh he gets knots in his stomach, and blush, but he's not gay, is he? 

Andrew pulls up in the driveway, stomach start's to knot up, Andrew sucks it up cause he ain't no bitch, and gets out the car, and walks up to Garrett door, knocks on it, Garret open's the door with a smile a familiar smile that Garrett has something up his sleeve. 

"Garrett, what did you do?" Andrew said with concern and suspicion in his voice, Andrew knows when Garrett has something up his sleeve when he doing a sneaky grin on his face 

"Andrew, I have a surprise for you" Garrett said with a laugh, Garrett always liked Andrew but didn't want to ruin the relationship, so he kept it to himself, Garrett knew Andrew was straight and he didn't want to push himself on Andrew.

Just when Andrew thought things couldn't get worse, it started raining HARD, a few minutes after thunder the power went out, leaving Andrew in an uncomfortable situation, Garrett house gets hot quick.

"I guess were having a sleepover tonight" Garret said with a smile and excitement in his voice 

Andrew heart sanked to his stomach, he already having an sexuality crisis, now staying with the man that making him have a crisis, isn't what he needed, especially when Garrett has something up his sleeve, Garrett was unpredictable with his surprises. 

Andrew took off his jacket as it started to get hot already, he took his shoes off too and set them by the door, something he always did when he visited Garrett.

"Alright Andrew, you want your surprise" Garrett said with a laugh, while sitting on the couch 

Andrew was nervous, but he trusted Garrett, Garrett would never do something to hurt Andrew feelings, 

"Yeah, I'm ready" Andrew said with uneasiness in voice, Garrett notices and puts a hand on his back and says-

"Don't worry Andrew, your're going to like this one" Andrew felt his stomach turn, Garrett runs to his bedroom and comes back with a bag in his hand, and Garret sets the bag in the middle of the couch where they was sitting. 

Andrew already feels his face getting hot, he just doesn't know if it from blush or the hotness in the room. Andrew opens the bag to find pop-tarts, shirts, pants, and other snacks, turns out the bag was a appreciate bag from Garrett 

"Thank you, Garrett I didn't know what to expect but I didn't expect this, thank you truly" Andrew looks over at Garrett there was a light pink on his cheeks, 

"Well Andrew, you deserve it after everything you helped me with" Garrett said while looking the other way not to show the blush on his face to Andrew. 

Garrett and Andrew talk the whole night, to 5 am when they decided to go to bed, they both went to bed with happy feelings, and light pink cheeks (not the other cheeks). 

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now