the other brother

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(Y/N) sits on a stool at the bar, rolling the bottle between her hands. She catches sight of her ring, sighing heavily at the disaster that had ensued a couple of weeks ago.

The seat beside her is taken and she stops the movement of her glass, grabbing the second one she had bought and tapping it against the top. Sliding it to the man next to her, she steals a glance.

''So it's true.'' She mutters, bringing the bottle to her lips. ''The famous Samuel Drake is alive.'' She states, taking a swig.

Sam laughs, stubbing his cigarette out in the ashtray and twisting in his seat to face her. ''Oh how I have missed you, sister.''

(Y/N) smiles. ''I'm sorry you did our time, but in all fairness, we all thought you had died. There was no way you could've made that.''

''The doctors patched me up and we did kill a guard. They wanted me away for a very long time (L/N), or - '' He holds up her hand showing the shine of jewellery with an eyebrow raise.

Pulling her hand away, she grumbles slightly. ''Your brother - although he's not very good at taking a hint from advancing women.'' She whispers and Sam rolls his eyes, downing half of his drink.

''Wasn't he always. Is he...'' He trails off and (Y/N) nods. ''He's fine. He'll be annoyed that he wasn't your first point of call.''

''If I seem to remember rightly, you found out about me and dragged me here.''

''I was hoping it would - '' (Y/N) softly taps her drink and he can't help the slight smirk, making her groan. ''Don't make that face.''

''No, no, please continue.''

''Fine. I was hoping that if I was the one to find you and bring you to him, we would be okay again.'' (Y/N) admits and he pulls a face, pretending he seemed flattered.

''Okay again? I thought it was Nate being an idiot.''

''It was! But then he accused me of never trusting him and decided we should go on a break.''

Sam motions to the bartender for more drinks, his eyes trailing to the woman beside him. ''You were too good for him anyway.'' He mutters and she smiles, clinking her glass with his. ''Tell me about it.''


The pairing had drunk and talked their way through the night and on the closing hour, Sam goes quiet, making (Y/N)'s laughter die down.

''You okay?'' She questions, polishing off her drink.

''No, actually, uh - '' He clears his throat. ''I am sorry about you and Nate, really I am, but - but ever since meeting you, (Y/N), I can't deny that I... I have had strong feelings for you.''

(Y/N) furrows her eyebrows, squinting her eyes and then bursts out laughing. ''I appreciate you making me feel better about myself, but you don't have to lie like that.''

''I'm not lying.'' Sam reassures, his face showing the same and she frowns. ''I never did anything because I knew how Nathan felt, but seeing how he's been treating you, this clearly isn't the first time.''

The woman can't believe what she's hearing and he keeps going, but she drowns him out, watching his lips move.

''Sam, just shut up.'' She breathes, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him in. Their lips meet, moving together in sync and he places a hand on her thigh.

''Excuse me.''

The voice makes them jump away from each other. (Y/N)'s cheeks had flared red and Sam clears his throat, placing money on the table. ''Sorry, we're leaving.'' He promises, leading her out of the pub from the disapproving glare of the worker.

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