Chapter 15 - Liar

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Walking over, (Y/N) opens a cabinet to reveal it to be empty. She opens another one to show the same. This keeps going until she glances at Sam, who leans against one of them with a smirk on his face.

"Found something?" He asks and she takes a deep breath, smiling thinly. "No, I have not."

"What the hell happened here?" (Y/N) changes the subject and he shrugs as Nate backs away from an impaled guard. "Good question." He mutters.

"What if... Maybe there's no treasure left? They spent it all on marble floors. So the colonists find out their money's gone and they get pissed..." Sam inquires.

"Maybe so." His brother shrugs, not filling anyone with hope. 


"Wait a sec. Guys! Over here." Sam calls.

"I swear to god, Samuel, if you're behind something or waiting to scare me -" (Y/N) curses and he rolls his eyes. "Will you just come here?"

Groaning, she steadily walks over to see what he's doing. "What d'you got?" Nate asks as his brother stands, flipping a coin. "Libertalia money." He throws it to Nate who catches it, confused.

"This has Avery's sigil on it." He identifies. "He must have melted down the gold, minted his own currency."

"So based on that, all the manifests on the shelves. The treasure was here." (Y/N) concludes and Sam nods, making her frown. "That leaves the bigger question - where is it now?" She asks.

"Okay..." Sam points back to the door.  "So we know that there was fighting outside."

"Yeah and inside." Nate adds and he turns to him.  "What, you think the colonists stole it?"

"No. I think they were trying to reclaim what was theirs." He answers, pointing to the pictures hung around the room. "Look. Here's Avery, Tew... Founders of Libertalia. All marked with the word thief. Not murderer, not tyrant."

"Thief." Sam repeats. "So by the time the colonists busted in here..." (Y/N) begins. "...treasure was already gone." He finishes.

"Yeah, because these guys had already taken it for themselves." Nate says, pointing to the pictures of the Founders and (Y/N) blows air through her mouth in annoyance.  "Pirates will be pirates, right?"

"Yeah, pirates will be pirates." Sam repeats. It's silent as they look around, when he suddenly hums, making the pair frown. "I know where they moved it."

Nate walks over to him, confused. "What? Where?" He points up and looking up, (Y/N)'s eyes widen. "Holy shit. It's a map."

"Yeah, right there..." His finger points up to a building. "That's our treasury."

"This - it's a map of Libertalia..." Nate breathes and his brother directs him. "Right, so follow it to the other side of the island and look... Right there."

Squinting her eyes, (Y/N) peers at the writing. "New Devon." She finally deduces.  "Avery was from Devon, England." She realises, looking back at the brothers and Sam nods. "He sure was."

"Man, those are some seriously large mansions." Nate says.  "Each of them has its own sigil too."

"Because that's where they lived." Sam informs, laughing and Nate joins in. With a smile, (Y/N) motions out the gap in the wall. "Whaddaya say we uh - climb that watch tower huh?"

"Get our bearings?" Nate questions and she nods, his brother smirking. "New Devon here we come."

He makes his way over to the bookcase and joining him, they it out the way, revealing a crank that raises the chandelier. Using the cabinets and the pictures on the wall, they make their way out and climb up and inside a house. "I'm really shocked the stairs are intact." Sam admits.

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