Chapter 18 - Realisation

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"Oh, jeez." (Y/N) whispers. 

Gibbets and bodies were littered everywhere and more hung from above and Nate steadies himself, walking across a log and jumping to a gibbet. Using the items, he pulls himself up on to the wall and turns, kneeling down to pull her up. Crouching down next to him, (Y/N) presses a finger to ear and a hand hovers her thigh.

"You all right?" He asks.

"Yeah." She promises, giving him a soft smile and the two look out over the flooded area. "Wow. Welcome to Avery's neighbourhood." He mutters.

"It's a nice place. If you don't mind some structural problems and water damage." She jokes and Nate chuckles. "Clearly some drainage issues."

"A real fixer-upper opportunity." (Y/N) finishes, smiling. He nods and laughs and she opens her bag to pull out some binoculars. "Okay, so..." She scans the area and inches forward. "Looks like somebody blew that's dam and flooded the whole place." She looks around more before Nate sighs.

"You know, I forgot..." He begins and she pulls away the binoculars and frowns. ''Pretty good at this. Once I step back and watch you work." He praises.

"All right, so which one of these do you think is Avery's?" (Y/N) asks with a slight smile at the compliment.

"Ah, my money's on..." He positions her towards the mansion. "...that one. One that's still intact." She straightens up, nodding. "If I stepped back and watched, I would say you're not bad at this either." (Y/N) states, looking at the house.

"Yeah, well, you know, had a little practise, read a few books -" She cuts him off by nudging him and mumbling shit and he looks at her, confused. "What? What?"

She passes him the binoculars and holds onto his arm. "The front door." She points out and his breath hitches. "Sam. He's still alive."

"Yeah, for now. Just keep an eye out for any shoreline types." (Y/N) warns Nate, placing the binoculars back in the bag and jumps down to the lower ledge. Running across the wooden beam, she cannonballs into the sparkling blue waters.

Nate swims over to an open window, clambering in to climb up to the platform. (Y/N) follows him, walking over a wooden beam after to go through a door. Passing a bed with a skeleton, murdered by a sword, Nate helps her climb out and then he drops down, mumbling as he lands.

"What?" She whispers, tripping and falling onto him, making him groan. "I said shit shoreline, (Y/N) get down."

"Ohhh." She hums and he shakes his head, making her smile and Eskimo kiss him. (Rubbing your noses together.) He smiles and she rolls off, letting them both crouch.


(Y/N) limps over to the cavern, following her husband in and they make their way through, coming across a hanging body, the wind making it blow slightly. Nate had clambered up and dropped a box in the water, letting the current take it to the end.

She drags it to the side and he takes it from her, pushing it against the wall and bowing. "After you." He states and she purses her lips. "Aw, how sweet. You want me to be your decoy?" She quips, pushing herself onto the box and smirking at his face.

"No, I was being gentlemanly there." He frowns and she laughs, jumping up. ''I know, I was just busting your chops."

"Yeah, well the chops are plenty busted already. Thank you." Nate mutters and (Y/N) shakes her head, pulling him up. She walks ahead, along the roof, appreciating the breeze when the roof begins to creak and crack.

"Oh, shit." She whispers just as it breaks underneath and they go sliding towards the water.

(Y/N) looks back to see Nate's part collapse even more and she keeps sliding all the way down, landing in the blue of the water. Nate had already resurfaced and his wife soon comes up near him. "Ugh." She splutters, running a hand through her hair to get it out of her face.

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