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Few points:
(Y/N) - Your name
(Y/H/C) - Your hair colour
(Y/I) - Your initial

Sighing, the blonde places the controller next to her TV and glances at the clock. Noticing the time, the girl frowns.

Surely they would be home by now?

Deciding that she was now bored, the young girl hauls herself off her bed and stretches. Her hair was medium length, coming just below her shoulders and was (Y/H/C), just like her mothers. Her eyes, however, were the blue-green colour that her father had and the girl wore blue denim shorts, a black top with blue and yellow fire. A beaded necklace hung around her neck.

"Mom? Dad? Anyone?" The teen shouts, walking out of her bedroom. The dog that was lying on her bed soon follows. A bark is heard and she goes towards it, walking down the hall.


Yep, they weren't here.

"I think they abandoned us." The (Y/H/C) sighs to her dog, walking into her parents room.

Clothes were thrown across the floor, books were abandoned on side tables and the basket at the end of the bed and the bed itself was unmade. A book on the table catches her eye and she walks over.

"Ah, that looks beautiful." The first picture showed her parents, her mom is cupping her dad's face, laughing. One of the greatest days of their lives.

Their wedding day.

They both seem happy and this makes their daughter happy as she stares at the photo. Moving on, the next photo shows her parents holding each other, smiling and laughing.

Her mom looked beautiful in her wedding dress and the blue-eyed girl turns the page and chuckles.

"Umm." The two photos show the smiling parents holding their new born baby. Once again, she turns the page and laughs.

"Sorry, Sully." She says. The picture is Sully holding her out as a baby, a look of disgust on his face as he smells the damage she did.

Next to it, shows a young puppy and little girl, holding out her hand to the pup.

"Wow, Sam looks so young." She mutters, turning the page. The first shows her and her mom, sitting on a camel. The one with Sam, she's sitting on his shoulders and he holds out her arms.

The next few photos make her cringe. One of her walking their dog and the other, goofing around on a statue. Pulling herself away, she smiles.

"We should totally throw a party in here... they wouldn't even know!"

The family dog barks in their small storage room, which holds the washing machine and dryer. The daughter sighs, picking out a dog biscuit from tin on the shelf and throwing it into the dog's mouth.

"But just this one."

The ceiling fan turns at a regular pace, releasing a cool breeze. The floorboards are cold under her bare feet and she grabs an apple from the fridge.

Walking away, she takes a bite of the food before picking up a letter from the counter. The girl scans it, breaking into a big grin.

"Oh, cool! Sam and Sully are coming to visit." Placing the letter back down, she takes another bite, strolling over to the front door.

Placing her hand on the handle, she pulls it open when dog rushes past and bounds down the steps.

"Hey!" The girl places the apple on the table next to her before she walks out and scoffs, closing the door behind her.

Uncharted||End Of The Thief's Road [Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now