Chapter 16 - Pickpocket

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The ruby gleamed in the sunlight. It hung from its gold chain in the cabinet on the far right, displayed for all to see.

The auction was in full swing.

It wasn't a proper fancy auction, more of a roughed up, street thug auction. Valuable items up for grabs.

The young girl slowly weaves her way through the crowd and heads. towards the cabinet. Little did (Y/N) know - she was being watched. Two boys, one the girl's age and the other a bit older was sat in the corner of the room. The younger of the two watches her. After a while of staring, he nudges his older brother.



"She's going after the ruby. What do we do?" Sam looks up and notices the kid. The (H/C) hair was pulled into a ponytail and (E/C) eyes sparkled in the light.

Lighting a cigarette, he watches as she puts her back against the glass, smiling at the men around. He notices the hand move slightly before the girl walks away.

"She's got the wrong key." He states, blowing out the smoke.

"How do you know?" Nathan asks, looking up at his older brother and he points. "Because he's got it." Nate follows his direction, where a  tough looking man stood with a cigar hung loosely in his mouth.

This doesn't stop the young girl.

Nathan watches as (Y/N) walks into the man and he brushes her off. Sam watches as she had slipped her hand into the man's pocket pulling out a grimy looking key, apologising and walking away.

"She's a good pickpocket, Sam." Nathan mutters.

"We all know, I'm the best." Sam tells Nate and the young boy smirks. "Tied for first."

"You don't even know her!" Sam exclaims and Nate shrugs. "She's good from what I can see." He replies.

"Well then, better keep an eye out for that one, Nathan." The eldest mumbles, letting the cigarette hang between his lips.


The moonlight casts eerie shadows across the path. (Y/N) carefully opens the window, slipping in unseen by anyone around. Well unseen from everyone apart from the two brothers. They wanted the ruby just as much as she did.

Checking for guards, (Y/N) uses the key to unlock the cabinet, making sure not to touch the glass. "Bingo." She then whispers, carefully taking the ruby from its stand.

"Hold it, princess." The voice surprises her and she turns, being met by two boys. One her age, one older. The same ones from the auction that she didn't know was observing from afar.

The older one crosses his arms over his chest and (Y/N) places the ruby in her bag before placing her hands on her hips, a smirk on her face. ''Can I help you? I think you're a bit lost." She asks.

"Give us the ruby." Sam instructs but she ignores him, glancing at the other boy, staring at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about."(Y/N) finally shrugs, going towards the door and the older boy grabs her arm. "Come on, princess."

She glances at his hand. "Don't call me that." She spits, elbowing him in the face. He groans and she turns to the other brother who holds his hands up in surrender. As the young girl was distracted by his innocence, the other one tackles her to the floor and he pins her down and yells for Nathan to get the bag.

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