Chapter 6 - Lights Out

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Nadine laughs at the pair's story. "I can't believe you got away with that."

"Oh, we did not." Sully corrects. "No, we had our liberty taken away for a month." (Y/N) adds, also laughing.

"And what about the horse?" Nadine questions. Sully let's the cigar hand loosely in his mouth as he answers: "Fortunately, we had a lot of carrots on board." He chuckles.

(Y/N) glances over to see Sam in a waiters uniform and he gives a curt nod. "Recognise someone?" Nadine asks, following her line of sight and she smiles.  "I thought I did, but no."

"When am I finally going to meet that partner of yours? Drake?" Nadine continues the conversation.

"Well, that's ex-partner for me." Sully says. "No, I've been flying solo for a while now. Drake's out."

"Oh. Like 'dead' out?"

"No, more like retired. He got married, settled down with the lovely (Y/N), here." Sully answers and Nadine's mouth opens as the surname clicks.

"Well, then he might as well be dead, right?" The voice makes (Y/N)'s hairs stand on edge and she turns to see a man in a crisp white tux. 

"Victor Sullivan and (Y/N) (L/N)... or Drake." The man in the white tux exclaims. "Rafe." She greets, faking a smile.

"How long has it been? 10 years? 12?" He questions. "15." Sully replies, giving a forced smile also.

"It's amazing." Rafe chuckles. "All these years gone by, here we are - we're still haggling over dead people's junk."

"Really? Aren't you running your parent's business?" (Y/N) raises an eyebrow, bringing the glass to her lips.

"It's my business now, (Y/N). But yes that is my day job." He smiles, his eyes skimming over her, taking in the curve of her body in the dress and her clearing her throat forces his eyes back to hers.

"You could probably afford to buy up everything on the block tonight." Sully jokes, his body positioned slightly in front of (Y/N)'s.

"Well, sure, but what would be the point in that? These days I'm only looking for the... good stuff." He smiles at (Y/N) and she grimaces. "Big scores." He adds.

"Between you and me, it looks like someone's changed the lot order. Might be trying to rig the auction." She says, eyeing him.

"Well, remember where we are. This crowd didn't get rich by playing fair." Rafe reminds her.

"Which is why you really need someone watching your back in a place like this." Nadine says, joining Rafe's side.

"Well, I do hate to break it to ya, you are working for an American." Sully jokes.

"With. We've partnered up on this one." Nadine tells them and the Drake chuckles.  "Talk about a power couple." She says, taking a bigger sip than before.

The auctioneer speaks and (Y/N) links wraps her arm around her companion's one. "Well, we know when we're intruding." She continues, placing the now empty glass on a table by them.

"Just hold on." He grabs woman's arm and she faces him, her other dropping out of Sully's grip.  "How'd you find out about it?" Rafe's voice becomes low and she gives him a small smile, having barely caught his sentence. "It? Now what 'it' is that, Rafe?"

"Nadine, I think your partner has had one too many Bloody Marys-" Sully begins and Rafe turns on him, knocking his drink out of his hand. "Cut the bullshit." He spits, facing (Y/N) again, who refuses to back down.

"I don't know how you scammed your way in here, but if you think about bidding on Avery's cross, I can tell you exactly how you're gonna be leaving - In a goddamn body bag -"

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