Chapter 19 - Funny Idea Of Romantic

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Nate sighs. "This place doesn't look very stable."

"Yeah, you think?" (Y/N) mutters, walking down the stairs and Nate stops at the bottom. "Look. Fresh footprints. They must've came this way." He states, hitting the side of his torch and without speaking, his wife hands him hers, putting his away.

He hops over a stone pillar, towards wooden platforms. Some had been blown away and revealed spikes and (Y/N) follows over it after him, walking forward. "Whoa, whoa! Hold up!" He grabs her arm and pulls her back into him, shining the light onto the floor.

"So, some kind of death trap?" She asks, crouching down to see the spikes which have impaled one of the men from shoreline.

"Uh.... Yeah. But Sam and the others somehow made it across. We just gotta follow their lead." Nate begins to follow the muddy footprints along the right path and she shudders.

 ''And... Unclench. Woo." He breaths out just and his wife crosses the last platform, joining him and he walks over to the side where their normal exit is blocked by debris. ''(Y/N), look. More footsteps."

"They must've made it through and then it collapsed behind them." She states, crouching to help him lift it but it collapse further, making them stumble back. He goes to say something but the other torch dies and he curses.

Standing up on her toes and then rolling back, (Y/N) exhales sharply. "Hey - you still have Sam's lighter?"

"Yes! Good idea." He exclaims and there's the sound of clicking but no light. "Of course he used it all up. Smoked like a goddamn chimney on the boat ride over here..."

"Oh wait, I brought matches." She suddenly states, unzipping her bag to pull them out.

"You did? And you only bring them up now?" Nate questions.

"Hey, I forgot."(Y/N) replies, pulling them out and lighting one up. "There we go." She walks towards him but the flame burns down, burning her finger. "Ow! Sorry. Just gimme a sec." She tells him, stumbling blindly to find something to light.

"Hello." Nate calls out and (Y/N) chuckles slightly. "Over here!" She calls and he starts to shuffle about. "Ow! Ow, that's my head." He groans, making her laugh and she picks up a wooden stick. Lighting it up, she squints at the sudden brightness. He makes his way over and she lights another stick, passing it over to him so they could use them as torches.

"Thanks. Glad you came prepared." He says and she shrugs. "Someone had to after all our supplies drowned."

As the pair look around for a way out, (Y/N) can hear him chuckle slightly to himself. "Nice romantic lighting, huh?" He states and she laughs. "You have a funny idea of romantic, cowboy." She whispers and he nods with a smile. "Yes I do."

Nate then stops under a hole in the ceiling. "Hey, this looks promising. Boost you up?"

He places his torch on the floor, holding out his hands and hoisting (Y/N) on his shoulders. Slowly he turns around, his hands gripping her ankles and he pushes her up. Clambering in, she lays her torch to the side and goes on her front and pulls him up. 

At the end, they straighten to come face to face with the skeletal hands dangling from the ceiling. "The hands that stole from me." Nate reads and (Y/N) nudges one of them with the torch. "Wow, Avery's not even trying to be sane at this point."

He takes the lead down a corridor and into a room with more gibbets."Hey, look. Avery still had some gibbets left over." Nate says, pronouncing gibbets wrong.

"Gibbets." (Y/N) corrects without meaning to, sweeping her torch around.

"What?" He asks, looking at her and she raises an eyebrow. ''Oh, it's pronounced jih-bets." She tells him and he frowns. "Are you sure?"

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