Chapter 7 - Scotland

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"Rafe's really going all in, isn't he?" Sam asks and (Y/N) sighs in response.

"Well, they're all concentrated around the cathedral, so that's good..." Nate mutters, looking through the binoculars. (Y/N) pulls her jacket around herself tighter, trying to shut out the cold. 

"So then we'll have that graveyard all to ourselves." She finishes for him and he puts the binoculars away, pulling out his radio and she walks over to him, waiting for Sully to answer.


"Yeah?" Sully's voice comes through and (Y/N) stares out to his seaplane in the distance, perched on the waves.

"Hey, listen, we're good to go here." Nate explains to him. "Ok, kid. Happy hunting." He replies.

"Last chance to come with." (Y/N) adds, praying he would. "Yeah, well unless you can find me an escalator, I think I'll pass." Nate chuckles at his response.

"All right. See you in a few." He says, waving and (Y/N) joins in, giving a small smile. Before Nate has chance to put the radio away, Sully begins to talk again:"Hey, Nate?"


"Just, uh." A long pause. It was clear Sully was contemplating telling him something, but instead, gives a heavy sigh. "Ah, just bring me back something shiny, will ya?"

"That's the plan." Nate answers and then places the radio back into his pocket, turning to face Sam.

"Well, let's go pay our respects to Captain Avery." Sam says, smirking and he begins to walk away. (Y/N) looks once more towards the seaplane and feels a soft hand touch her arm, making her jump slightly. 

"(Y/N?) You coming?" Nate asks and she nods, pulling her arm away to walk behind Sam. They jump down the ledge when the older brother begins talking again: "A Scottish cathedral. Strange place to bury your treasure, no?" He asks and the walk turns into a run.

"Not really. I mean, by the time Avery would've sailed here, the place was already abandoned." (Y/N) shrugs and he nods. "I guess that's true. Plus, with the massive bounty on his head... It'd be a good place to hide."

A silence washes over them yet Sam is quick to notice the tension between the couple and he clears his throat. "Anyway, what happened between you two and Rafe?"

"We couldn't deal with him... And I'm pretty sure he had enough of us. Nate was still coming to grips with your... 'death', I was just being a pain and with his frustration from not finding the treasure..." (Y/N) pauses.

"... Well, I'm pretty sure he was ready to kill us by the time we had bailed." Nate finishes and she nods in agreement.

"Ha. Imagine what he'd want to do to you now." Sam laughs and she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, trying not to."

"Sam, listen. He's ruthless, even more so than when we teamed up with him. I've heard stories." Nate informs him.

"Trust me, me too. All the more reason I don't feel bad about any of this." Sam replies, stopping at a ledge. (Y/N) moves past him to slide down, leaving the pair at the top. She then stands and wipes the gravel off her jeans, the two coming to a stumble next to her. 

Sam heads over to the edge and looks down with a whistle. "It's a long drop."

"Need to find another way down." Nate states and (Y/N) smirks. "Way ahead of you." She shouts back, crouching next to a branch.

(Y/N) was already crouched by a branch and she beckons them over, wrapping her rope around it. When having decided it was sturdy enough, the Drake wife rappels down the ledge, bringing her attention to the boxes.

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