Chapter 13 - All Part Of The Fun

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Weak. It was a feeling that (Y/N) had felt multiple times before. Her hair flops and her clothes stick to her and she pulls herself onto land. Coughing up water, the defeated woman lies on her back, her eyes fluttering close.

Sully flashes in her mind, him taking her in and all the close calls they had as a team. Nate and Sam follow suite and her eyes widen, her body twisting to cough more water out.

She had to keep going.

"C'mon, (Y/N)." She whispers, hoisting herself up. She stumbles forward and stops, stretching, her body aching and she shivers from the sudden drop in temperature.

The sand squelches underneath her shoes. The wind howls and attacks the skin that wasn't covered. Cupping her hands, (Y/N) weakly shouts for the brothers, getting nothing back.

"Gotta find the boys. Get off this beach. Forget the treasure, I'm done." She mumbles to herself, heading up the land.

"Nathan!" She shouts, her voice cracking and she groans. "C'mon, (Y/N)!" She whispers.

Slowly, (Y/N) makes her way further up shore. She knows she probably won't get far before collapsing, but she gives herself a measly few hours.

"Samuel!" She then yells, the voice strained. Clambering over a log, she slips and cuts her thigh on the rocks.

"Ah, shit." (Y/N) curses, placing her hands around the cut that had scratched through the jeans and now bled profusely. Looking up at the sky, she allows the rain to wash over her and her eyes close.

"Supply box." She suddenly remembers, pulling herself up. Wincing, she carries on, cupping her hands to her mouth once more. "Sam! Nate!"

Climbing up, (Y/N) grips tightly, dragging herself up. "Climbing has never been so hard." She grits her teeth and pulls herself up another cliff, her feet slipping on the side of it.

The Drake overlooks the sea and notices the boat, ripped to shreds. "That - that could've been me. Oh god what if it was Nate! Or Sam." She whispers, forcing her eyes away. "It's okay, everything's fine. Nate and Sam will be together and not dead." She laughs and shakes her head.

Tears begin to sting (Y/N)'s eyes at the thought of him and how their potential last thoughts of each other was unhappiness. All she wanted now was to lie down and let this one claim her.

"Stop it." She scolds, slipping in the mud and falling to her knees. Looking down at her bloodied and dirt ridden hands, she blinks away the tears.

"Keep going. Just, keep going. You got this. You've faced worse." (Y/N)'s voice gets quieter at the end of her sentence.

Heading nearer to the area of the boat, she spots supplies inland and rushes forward. Most boxes had been emptied apart from one in the middle. "They got them. Nate or Sam got supplies. Either both or one of them didn't make it." She counters herself, shivering at the thought and makes her way to the sealed box.

Tearing it open, (Y/N) grabs the flashlight and the bandages, ripping them apart to wrap one around the cut on her leg. Shoving a few more in her jean pocket, she grabs the grapple and hooks it to her belt.

"Keep moving." She whispers over and over again, her feet directing her up the beach. Wearily taking the cliff edges, she struggles more to hold on.

"Don't look down. Don't look down." She ignores herself and groans, instantly looking back up. "Okay. Okay - that's.... That's a long way down."

Dropping to solid ground, (Y/N) miscalculates and grabs the ledge. "Crap. Shit. What am I doing? Why does this happen to me?" She groans, heaving herself up and dropping to the ground.

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