Chapter 17 - I'm Sorry

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At a ladder on the ledge by the hill she slid down, Nate leans his back against it. Placing her feet on his shoulders, his hands steady her and slowly he pushes his way up, allowing (Y/N) to grab the ladder.

Shuffling to the side, she pulls down the lever and the ladder falls, allowing Nate up and (Y/N) clambers next to him.

Continuing on, the silence is deafening and (Y/N) finds herself at the front whilst Nate trails along behind. Slowing down, she lets the water soak through her boots again, waiting for him to catch up.

"I can't believe Sam lied to us." She starts, earning a sigh from him.

"Do we have to talk about this?" He asks.

"Are you kidding me? You lie to me and if I didn't find out as early as I did, you would be dead. And then, I find out Sam lied. What is this? A Drake thing... Oh, sorry, I mean Morgan thing."

He lets his wife rant, not saying anything and clearly knowing that it was what she needed. After, (Y/N) winces at her own words. "That was a bit harsh." She says after a long time.

"Yeah, just a bit." He gives her a soft smile though, showing he understood and she turns her attention back forward. "Hey... Is that an elevator?"

"Sure looks like it. I swear, Avery recruited the best engineers of his time." Nate gushes.

At the top of the ground, overlooking murky water, a tree crossing from one part to another, their jeep awaits at the top. Nate jumps in first and (Y/N) groans, looking at the disgusting brown water, taking a deep breath and joining him.

He boosts her to another ladder but it breaks under her. She glances around her area and heads into an old cave, pulling out one of the storage boxes left behind from old expeditions and pushes it towards the edge.

She lets it drop in the water and continues her path whilst Nate does his. (Y/N) ends up at the elevator and she glances over the edge to see him on the cliff. "Maybe the elevator still works?" She prompts, running her fingers over it.

"I doubt it. It's 300 years old. Been exposed to the weather. I mean who knows if it'll ever work -" (Y/N) cuts him off by pulling it and watching as the elevator cranks to life, smiling in triumph. "Got it!"

"Oh, look... It works..." He trails off and the elevator goes down until it reaches Nate, letting him jump across to it.

"The fact that this works, it's - it's kinda incredible." She mumbles and the elevator stops, making her curse. "Ah, jinxed it."

Her husband clambers his way up and she walks around, spotting Nate jump on a mercenary and take out another. She runs over, a guilty look in her eyes as she helps him up. ''I must not have heard them.''

''It's okay.'' He reassures, gently leading her up to higher ground and then he drops, moving out the way as she lands next to him.

The couple move stealthily to the car, driving off whilst being shot at and go through the opening by the falls. 

"Why would you never tell me you're not a Drake?" (Y/N) finally asks the question that's been bothering her, starting to twist the bottom of her shirt.



He moves her hand away from her shirt. "That. You do it when you're nervous." He chuckles. "I do notice the little things about you. Funny enough."

A small smirk creeps on (Y/N)'s face. "I notice you drive like a maniac." She counters, but he only gives her a weak smile, making her frown. 

He drives them up a hill that leads to one side of the bridge and around to another waterfall. She admires the scenery and feels the wind blow through her hair. Nate drives the pair down towards the huge waterfall before swerving up another hill.

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