Chapter 11 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Sam stops the car outside a market, pointing to the tower just the other end. "This is ours, princess ." He says, stepping out and (Y/N) follows suite.

"Do you think it could be here?"

"Could be. Might be at Nathan's tower." Sam replies, looking at the building that looms at the other end of King's Bay. She gives him a sorrowful smile and makes her way down the steps.

Squeezing past people, they waste no time in making their way to the doors, shoving their weight against them to get no results. "It's never easy, is it?" (Y/N) complains.

"I'm sure they'll be a way around. There always is."  Sam reminds her, making his way around the side. "See, there's a window." He points once she joins. He bends down, cupping his hands together and giving her a nod and hoisting her up.

"You got it, princess?"

(Y/N) nods, straining herself to push into the window and lands on a ledge with a groan.

"(Y/N)?" Sam calls and she murmurs, still lying on her back. "Yeah, just give me a minute." She replies, bringing herself to stand and jump down to the ground. Moving the debris out of the way of the door, she knocks to allow Sam to push them open and he smirks at her state. With a point, the woman glares at him.

"Shut your face."

"I didn't say anything!" He counters, holding up his hands. "Your smirk said it all." She huffs and he laughs.

"Where do you wanna start?" (Y/N) asks and he points upwards. With a sigh, she gives him an annoyed look. "Are you kidding."

Sam begins to make his way up the stairs, but they have other ideas as they crumble underneath him, breaking away at his feet. He topples to the ground with a thud. "Ah, not cool." He groans and (Y/N) frowns.  "Since when were you cool?"

"Ha-ha." He mutters, cupping his hands and motioning a boost, making her roll her eyes but letting him do it anyway.

Lying down on her front, (Y/N) grabs his hand and pulls him up onto the safe landing. "I knew you'd be useful." He states and she jokingly pushes him so he stumbles near the edge.

"That - that was not funny, I felt my heart go." He states, pointing accusingly at her and she shakes her head.

"This way." (Y/N) says, motioning for him to join her in climbing the tower until reaching the top, where a huge bell sits in the middle. Looking over the edge, back down to where they were before, she shrugs. "Maybe, if we ring it, something will appear?"

"Maybe." He mutters, checking the walls. "Rock, paper, scissors." He turns to her, his hand out and she smirks, facing him.

After a few games, the proclaimed loser is (Y/N) and she grumbles, stripping off her jacket and shoving it into his arms. Jumping across to the bar, she starts to swing, letting the bell slowly move back and forth. After a few tries, nothing happens and so she jumps back to Sam.

"Damn, nothing." He says, pulling out his phone. "Missed call from Victor." He adds, ringing him back. Putting it on loudspeaker, he holds the phone out between them. "Sam! Finally! You okay?"

"We just searched our tower. Got nothing."

"Yeah, well, we're definitely in the right place. Make your way over here." Sam's face lights up at the news and (Y/N) smiles.  "Are you serious? Okay, we're on our way."

He clicks the phone shut and (Y/N) makes her way to the edge, dropping down to the ledge below and it begins to creak under her.

Looking up, Sam finishes texting and without thinking,  jumps down and wobbles. It tips sideways, sending them both slipping off of it. He lands before (Y/N) does and just as she's about to fall past, he grabs her hand.

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