Chapter 12 - At Sea

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The whole ride consisted of awkward talks or horrible silences. Most of the time, (Y/N) kept away from Nate, even if they were both sat at the back. She can see the guilt forming on his face but he doesn't allow himself to be the first to break the silence. 

Sam drives and after what feels like an eternity, they finally come close.  Twisting the ring on her finger, (Y/N) stares out at ocean ahead. Nate notices her habit and finally moves in to say something.

That is until Sam calls him over. ''Hey, Nathan!'' (Y/N) glances at Nate, who sighs. ''Yeah?''

''Land ho!'' He calls, turning back to give the pair a smirk and Nate gets up, looking out. ''What do you think 'bout that, huh?'' Sam asks, excitement dripping from every word.

''That's pretty cool.'' Is Nate's reply, clearly disinterested and Sam sighs. ''Take the wheel for a second.'' He instructs, coming over to the cooler next to (Y/N).

''You know, all this running around, surviving by the skin of our teeth...'' He opens it up.   ''... I don't think we'e actually taken a moment...'' He takes out three bottles, passing one to her and then to Nate. '' step back and appreciate just how far we've come.'' He finishes and she rolls her eyes, holding the bottle in the air.

''Sic parvis magna.'' (Y/N) mutters, sarcastically and Sam points to her before repeating it and clanking bottles with Nate.

Downing it, she turns away from them, pulling her legs up on the seat to gaze at nothing but endless ocean and the boys both take a drink.

''Listen, little  brother...'' Sam starts and gives (Y/N) a glance, who pretends to be interested in the bottom of the bottle, but he still lowers his voice. She can't hear what he says, but she does hear Nate's reply:

''I crossed a line.'' He mutters and she sighs, downing the rest of the contents.

Standing up, (Y/N) joins the brothers at the front of the boat, looking at the island.

''Huh. Somehow I imagined it...'' Sam trails off. ''...bigger.'' She finishes for him and he nods.

''Yeah, well, we're definitely in the right place.'' Nate informs. ''I'll find us a spot to set ashore.''  He adds, taking the pair forward and Sam frowns. ''Well, I mean... at least there's an island, right?"

''At least there's an island.'' (Y/N) repeats, sighing.

''Just keep an eye out for anything man-made.'' Nate tells them and Sam tuts.  '' mean pirate-made.''

"Sure." Nate sighs, still not in the mood for anything joke wise.

''Nathan, up there!'' Sam shouts, pointing to an old tower. ''Well, that definitely qualifies as man-made.'' Nate mutters.

''Ah, ah... pirate-made.'' (Y/N) tries and he lets out a half-hearted chuckle.

Stopping the boat, Nate gets out the seat and jumps out, making his way towards the beach and. Sam and (Y/N) follows him up the beach and into more grassy areas. The three make their way up and into an old look out tower.

''This looks promising.'' Sam says as Nate wipes the dirt from the circle on the wall, one of the other on either side of him. The circle reveals an arrow and he frowns.  ''Some kind of symbol.''

''Looks like a compass arrow.'' (Y/N) states and the older brother places his hand on it, pushing it until the wall splits in half. "Woah."

''How did you know how to do that?'' Nate asks him and they look out over the edge.

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