Chapter 2 - This Infernal Place

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Nate's eyes fluttered slightly and he chest rises and falls in a soft pattern. The light wakes him up and he sits up groggily, focusing his attention on the two stood in the doorway. "Oh man, I was having a great dream too." He says sleepily, giving (Y/N) a raise of his eyebrow.

Walking into the cell she motions with her hand for him to turn around and he does so, allowing her to handcuff him. When he turns back he gives her a smirk and she rolls her eyes, pushing him out.

"All right. Calmáte." Nate mumbles.

The trio make their way through the prison, keeping up their acts before eventually getting to the old tower. The green foliage is a stark contrast to the greying of the jail and (Y/N) goes to unlock the cuffs, but Vargas snatches the key from her.

"I want in." He states. 

''In?'' Nate repeats.

"Whatever you hope to find up there -" Vargas begins pointing at the tower - "I want in."

"Now, cmon Vargas, the deal was to just get us in and out of here. That's it." Nate reminds him.

"Just? I'm sticking my neck out for you gringos!" He exclaims in frustration.

"Yeah, and Rafe is paying you a lot of money for your trouble." (Y/N) states and he nods in agreement, walking over to the edge. "Sí." Pulling out the faded envelope, Nate sighs in annoyance: ''You weren't supposed to read that." 

"Yes, I was also told not to take bribes... Not to bring anyone here... and not to beat on my inmates." Vargas counters and then shrugs. "But here we are." He says, flinging the envelope to the ground and opening up the letter.

"Alright be careful with that, it's 300 years old." Nate warns.

Vargas puts his glasses on, unfolds it and begins to read: "I was a member of Captain Henry Avery's crew..." He pauses, glancing back at them. "You know who that is?" He asks and the two share a look to make it obvious. "He was a pirate."(Y/N) answers.

Vargas turns around and walks a few paces away from them. ''He pulled off the biggest heist in history -" he turns back... "- and got away with it." Nate looks at him, confused on how he knows this.

"I searched him up." He says, answering Nate's unasked question. "Over 400 million dollars worth of gold and jewels all from one single ship." He continues, pausing to look at the letter again. "... Uh, the 'Gunsway'."

Nate nods. "Yeah we're familiar with the story."

"Can you get to the point?" (Y/N) prompts, slightly irritated.

""Uh, I occupy the highest cell in the Spaniards' prison, and I hope that someday you will find your way into this infernal place, bear my cross and discover the riches of paradise -" Vargas says, continuing to read from the letter. It's silent and he stares at the pair, making (Y/N) purse her lips and frown

"What - what do you want?" She asks and he raises an eyebrow as if it was obvious. "The riches of paradise!" He practically shouts.

"Oh chri-" Nate begins to say but cuts himself off. "It's a metaphor!" He exclaims in irritation.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. You and your friends did not pay to get into this infernal place in search of a metaphor!" Vargas says. "I want in.'' He states adamantly.

"All right I'll tell you what. You let us go up to the tower, check the prison cell. If there's still anything there after 300 years, you can take this up with Rafe." Nate negotiates. "Now c'mon." He adds, nodding to the handcuffs and the guard reluctantly unlocks them, taking them off.

Nate lets out a sigh of relief once they were and rubs his wrists. "Now the letter?'' He demands, holding his hand out. Vargas holds onto it as if he didn't trust them enough - and with good reason.

"Por favor?" Nate sighs in annoyance and he finally gives him the letter reluctantly.

(Y/N) turns away to look at the tower as Vargas speaks again: "how you gunna get up there anyways?"

"Climb." Nate answers simply and the woman glances back at Vargas. "Unless you wanna do it since 'you want in' and all." She says, quoting his previous words and her friend laughs.

Vargas gives them a fake smile in response. "Just don't break your necks."

(Y/N) turns her attention back to the tower once again and Nate stands with her. "That's the plan." She hears him mutter and they begin to make their way towards the tower.

Perhaps nothing will be there after all.

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