Chapter 4 - The Normal Life

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Nate is in bold

Leaning forward, (Y/N) tilts her head at the photo. She frowns, blowing out air and dropping it down on the table where it was scattered with various papers and markers. She falls back, staring at the marks of the ceiling, she strains to hear her husband but can't and bites her lip.

"Nate, are you coming down?" She calls.

"Yeah, just a sec!" His voice is faint as it drifts down the stairs and she smiles, forcing herself to sit back up. Moments later, Nate appears, grabbing the bowls of food of the side and sitting down beside her.

Their marriage was the start of them promising each other that they were done with the adventures and near death experiences. Nate was working at Jameson Marines and (Y/N) was Elena's photographer, taking small jobs at auctions of photographing the artefacts. Both wanted to be close to their old habits with less danger. 

"You were up there for a long time." She states.

"I was researching something." Nate replies, glancing over at the photos. "Oh is that what we're calling it these days?" She teases, gathering them up and placing them in a file. 

"I was!" He exclaims in defence and she nods, stretching. He hands her over the bowl and she hungrily takes it. ''Finish it?''

''The photos were not nearly as good as I was hoping, but I can always try and glow them up a bit if I had a longer deadline.'' (Y/N) complains, starting to shovel food in and he chuckles, eating his slowly. 

With a mouthful of food she turns to him. ''So hww wzz yr dy?" He looks at her confused and laughs.  "What? I got none of that."

Swallowing the food, his wife tries again. "Oh I'm sorry. How was your day?"

"Oh, it was fine. Your uh - typical day in paradise." Nate says whilst looking at her, a sense of admiration and longing in his eyes. (Y/N) could tell he missed the adventures as she did too. It was in their blood, something they couldn't cut off as easy as they had tried.

"I ah, got to pull garbage out of the river." He continues and she shrugs. "At least you got to go for a swim. So find any interesting garbage?"

"Oh some... Brilliant stuff. It was um.. Early twenty first century truck we got. Apparently the natives called it a 'semi'" Nate jokes, making her laugh and he smiles. "Anyway, boring stuff. Tell me what you're working on right now."

''Well Elena hooked me up with this contact and he basically made me take photos of all the objects he found on his archeological dig. But none of them were worthy, you know, they - '' (Y/N) trails off, realising his eyes had glazed over and she pokes him with her fork. "Where are you?"

"I'm in here..." Nate trails off. "Being stabbed with a fork!" He finishes and she chuckles. "Oh really so what am I working on then?" She takes another forkful of food, raising an eyebrow.

"Um the, the uh, archeological dig... he can't - they can't dig because of - ''

"Wow." She says, amused.

"All right, I'm sorry."

"No it was valiant."

"I was in the ballpark, right?" Nate questions and she shakes her head, staring into those eyes she loves. "In a different state, but yeah, you were in the ballpark." He laughs at her statement.

"Jameson asked you about that Malaysia job again, didn't he?" She realises what's going on, her voice serious and his laughter dies with a sigh. "Jameson always asks me about the Malaysia job."

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