Chapter 8 - Runs In The Family

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Heading in a line down the stairs, Nate takes the lead and (Y/N) turns her flashlight on so it can pierce through the dimness of the area.

"It's a crypt ." Nate states, sweeping his own one across the area and Sam frowns. "A crypt, hidden behind a secret door?" He asks, all reaching the end of the stairs.

"I assume the secret door was added afterwards." Nate tells him and he nods. "To hide his loot."

"Well, fingers crossed."

Through a doorway, the mist swirls around their feet and (Y/N) brushes her hand against the walls, letting the stones and dust crumble under her touch.

"Woah, the gangs all here." She then breathes, stopping short in front of three crosses.

"Jesus... Dismas on the left..." Nate begins. "Penitent thief." Sam adds in. "Gestas on the right..." He continues.  "Jerk thief." (Y/N) says before Sam, who gives her a jokey glare.

Nate chuckles at the two. "Avery sure had I think for St Dismas." He says and Sam shrugs. "Well, Avery fancied himself a ''good thief", right? Only plundered and murdered the non-British heathens."

"Guess that's what passed for "good" back then." Nate replies and (Y/N) sighs. "Good enough."

Making his way around the corner to the back of the statues, he calls back to them: "Some kind of lamp. Hey, smokey - need your lighter over here." He adds and (Y/N) points at Sam, who rolls his eyes and pulls out his lighter, making his way around.

"You know. That hurts my feelings." He states and Nate frowns. "Not as much as it hurts your lungs." Hs points out and Sam sighs. "Yes. Thank you, Father Duffy."

The fire spreads across as a beam of light aims at the door behind them. "The lights coming from the other side of the wall." Sam points out and he leads back around.

Nate joins the lights to the dots and (Y/N) bites her lip as Sam says what she's thinking: "Looks like a constellation."

"Yeah. That's Libra - the scales of justice." (Y/N) says, pursuing her lips out and blowing out air with a heavy sigh. "An interesting choice for a bunch of pirates.'' 

Nate twists the handle and pushes it so that the doors open. Sam laughs and mumbles about open sesame with his brother countering with 'wrong treasure.'

"Well, nice view. No treasure though." Sam states, standing behind (Y/N), his arm leant on the wall so they could all look out.

"No, but - well, you see those crosses?" Nate points and he nods. "Oh, yeah."

"And a cave right below?" (Y/N) quizzes.

"Yeah, I think Avery's trying to tell us where to go next." Nate says.

"Uh, there's one problem though. Going back that way means we have to go back towards the cathedral." She reminds them and Sam curses. "And back towards Rafe." He adds.

"Shit." Nate mumbles, taking them back out through the crypt and (Y/N) clips her flashlight back on her belt. "Well, let's not keep him waiting."

Making their way back out. they fight their way through the mercenaries, hoisting the gate up at the other end. The brothers allow (Y/N) to duck under before they follow, dropping it behind them. "Thanks for helping again, sweetheart."' Sam says to his sister-in-law, rolling his eyes.

"No problem, I'm always happy to help." She replies, a smirk on her face.

"How you holding up?" Nate asks his brother and he chuckles at his question. "Great. Was kinda hoping to find the treasure back there, but.... You know, it's never that easy, right?"

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