Chapter 10 - Road Trip

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The wind brushes lightly, the hem of (Y/N)'s shirt lifting as she stretches with a slight yawn. Sam stands in front of the jeep, flipping the coin up and repeating it whilst Sully holds his phone in the air, trying to get signal.

"What're the satellites saying, Victor?" Sam asks, turning back to face him. He had spotted his sister-in-law's scarring but had decided he would ask her about it later. 

"Right now, not a goddamn thing. I lost the signal." He mutters and Nate, who was sat in the car with his head on the wheel huffs, exiting.

"Hey, you know what never loses signal? Paper." He says, spreading the map across the bonnet. "Alright, this route here should take us straight to the volcano." He points to it and then traces it with his finger.

"Might get a little bumpy though." Sam states, the coin falling back into his palm.

"Let's get this show on the road." (Y/N) says, climbing into the back seat and the eldest brother pockets the coin, getting in next to her to allow Sully the front.

"So, what're we looking for out here?" He asks. 

"Well, the map shows all these structures around the volcano. Some abandoned outposts, a handful of watch towers." Nate answers and he frowns.  "Watch towers?"

"Avery was the most wanted man in the world, so if he was hiding something out here, makes sense he'd need lookouts." (Y/N) says and Nate nods.  "And one of those towers is right on the volcano."

"With Avery's treasure?" Sully questions.

"Fingers crossed."

A calm silence washes over them and the heat glares down on them and Nate keeps the pace moving, chuckling slightly. "So with our luck, what are the odds this volcano is going to erupt on us?"

"Zero. It's extinct. Trust me, that was the first thing I looked up when we said were heading for a volcano." Sully answers quickly. "That, and where to rent the cheapest 4x4."

"Wait, Sully... you're telling me you actually did some research?" Nate acts shocked and Sully scoffs.  "Can't let you be the know-it-all every time, kid."

"That bridge there is what you would call rickety." Sam says, directing their attention to the path instead. Nate makes his way slowly across it, being back-seat driven by everyone else and he snaps at them in annoyance. 

Once up the next section, Sam points in the distance. "Hey, look up there on the hill! Gotta a tower or something.'' He states and then glances at his brother. ''So, Nathan. You're thinking Avery, Tew, and some other big-shot pirates pooled their treasure, and came out here because ... Why, exactly?" 

"Who knows, maybe for protection? British authorities were closing in on 'em."

"Sure. Maybe he helped them disappear? I mean, the guy clearly had a knack for hiding things." His older brother states in annoyance.

"Let's go check out the tower." Nate tells him, parking at the bottom of the muddy hill and leaving the jeep, followed by his wife and brother.

"It's in pretty good shape for something several hundred years old." Sam says, jogging his way up the steps and (Y/N) nods.  "Yeah. They're definitely ruins from Avery's era."

Inside was Christopher Condent's sigil. and (Y/N) frowns. "So... Maybe Avery recruits pirate captains... to what, be his lookouts?" 

"Well, maybe each captain was responsible for a tower... along with providing the men for it? Whatever the case, this certainly isn't our final stop on our tour." Sam suggests.

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