Chapter 20 - Family

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The sound of a battle happening from behind makes (Y/N) abruptly get off Nate and his eyes lighten at the thought. "That's gotta be Sam."

Standing up, he pulls her with him and (Y/N) brushes herself down and pulls up onto the ledge, looking back down at him wiping the mud off his gun. "At least the gunfire means he's still alive... For now." She states.

She then looks over the edge, her eyes widening at the sight. "Is that a galleon?" She asks, indicating to the ship.

"Sure looks like it." Nate begins to climb up and around, using his piton to get up.

"Uh, Nate? Kind of don't have one. Left bag back in the panic cave?" (Y/N) shouts and he turns around and lies flat, dangling his hand down. Jumping, she grips his hand and allows him to pull her up. Stumbling forward, she regains her balance. "Holy shit, Nate, it's a ship graveyard."

He admires it and then sighs, tearing himself away to continue on. (Y/N) swings across and jumps to the other side whilst Nate goes the piton way. Re-joining, they spy Sam being surrounded by mercenaries. 


Going through one of the ships, Nate heads over to wood covering a small hole and he calls her over. She squeezes past him and he follows through, dropping it down behind him. "Okay, now where did Sam go?"

"He went this way!" A mercenary shouts; a handful of them running past the pair.

"That answers your question." (Y/N) mutters, making quick work of the men and jumping into the water. Grabbing Nate's attention, she points up.  "Nate, up on the ship! It's Sam."

"Ah, shit. He's pinned down." Nate groans and she rolls her eyes. "Then let's go help him."

Walking over to Sam, he crosses his arms with a slight smirk. "Man, you're a sight for sore eyes."

"Yeah. How about we get off this damned beach, huh?" Nate says, eyeing the landscape and his brother sighs in agreement. "Absolutely." He kicks down the ladder and they climb up with him and he goes to ask for a lighter when a rocket sends them crashing down.

Making their way around the ship, the various rockets and grenades flying around make the mast fall across, creating a bridge. (Y/N) crosses, being covered by her family and she clears out the rest, waiting before the two and heavily armed guards join her.

Taking them out, Sam leans against their way out and cups his hands just as two trucks appear. "Okay, c'mon princess." He pushes her up and she leans on her front, stretching her hand down.

Sam jumps and (Y/N) hauls him next to her, lying back down. "Let's go, Nate!" She exclaims and he quickly jumps, joining them. As the three stands, an explosion makes them stumble and take off running. The pair  jump across the gap but a rocket sends Nate down and she runs back, kneeling down. 

Her brother-in-law pulls her away, finding their own path. They avoid one of the trucks, taking out the soldiers that keep ambushing them and then he takes her hand, keeping her behind him in case anyone rushes out.


Clutching her side, she starts to slow down when the two voices ahead make (Y/N)'s eyes widen and she runs. "Hey!" She calls and Nate turns, allowing her to collide into him with a hug.  "Are you okay?''

"Thanks to this guy." Nate points to Sully behind him and she grins, motioning to the old man. "You saved his ass again?"

"Naturally. How you doing?" He counters.

"Good. Good. There were a few close calls, but um... he covered me." (Y/N) tells them and Sam appears, having lingered back and awkwardly waving as Nate walks over to him. "Hey."

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