Chapter 5 - Rumbled

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Waking up, (Y/N) lets out a yawn, her arm spreading to Nate's side of the bed. Feeling nothing but the cold, she frowns and properly opens her eyes. His side was empty and felt like it hadn't been slept in.

She throws the covers off, scrambling to get out of bed and immediately notices the note posted on the wardrobe.

Didn't want 2 wake u. Went work early. Taken Malaysia job after all, leave in the morning & call you when there. Love you x

(Y/N) re-reads Nate's handwriting, knowing that something wasn't right if he didn't wake her to say goodbye. She glances at the clock and rushes about to get changed, running out the front door and down to Jameson's.

Jameson greets her with a smile and a hello, also confused as to why she was there.

"Just came to wave you off." (Y/N) says and he nods, slowly. "To Malaysia? The job?" She continues.

"Why has Nate changed his mind?" He replies, confirming her doubts.

"Um... no, no, he just knew that, um, you guys were leaving and he couldn't say bye..."

"So he sent his wife? That's very sweet, but we're not leaving. So you can try and persuade Nate for me." Jameson says.

Giving a small smile, she nods and makes the trek back home.


Pacing across the living room, (Y/N) tries to come up with reasonable explanations.

"Hi, sweet-"

"Where is?"

"What are you talking about, kid?"

"Nate, Sully. Where's Nate?"

There's a silence at the end of the phone and then a sigh.

"You're gonna wanna sit down for this one, kid." He finally answers.

After the long chat and explanation with Sully, (Y/N) hangs up the phone, placing her second glass of wine down. She then goes to their room, pulling out a [Colour] dress that flowed down to the floor, along with a matching pair of heels.

Grabbing her phone once again, she sighs, letting the number ring.

"I need a favour..."


(Y/N) exits the car, thanking the driver and walking towards the ballroom, her dress flowing around her.

Her heart beats rapidly, not having done any of this for a while. Light makeup brushed her face and her hair was [up/down].

(Y/N) makes her way upstairs first to cover the whole area. Gently, she pushes her way past people and stops near the middle of the hallway. She looks around for any sign of her husband and instantly spots him.

He stood with two other men, one who she recognised as Sully. The woman makes her way over to the three, wrapping her arms around Nate, who turns in shock.

"Oh, excuse me, sir, you looked just like my husband." (Y/N) exclaims and his eyes widen. "(Y/N)! You're not supposed to be here."

"You're supposed to be in Malaysia. Taken the Malaysia job after all my ass." She replies, giving him a glare.

He goes to say something, but she shakes her head, turning to the other man. Samuel Drake smirks, dressed in a suit similar to his brothers.

"I didn't think you were actually alive." (Y/N) breathes and he chuckles. "I've missed you too, princess."

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