Chapter 1 - Panama

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Vargas leads (Y/N) towards the fight between her best friend and a random prisoner. She was dressed like him, the uniform baggy against her body with her hair tucked under a hat. During interactions, she had deepened her voice to fit in with the male prison and Vargas had been watching over her.

He was the guy Rafe had paid to help the trio and Rafe was their friend, also on the hunt for the same treasure, just with a lot more money than the three combined. 

With Nate on top of the guy, punching him in his face, Vargas makes haste to grab his arm whilst (Y/N) hauls the prisoner up with another guard. "Ah, what the hell?" Nate shouts out and he is pushed into two other guards.

"Ya basta, idiotas!" Vargas shouts at them both. (Enough, idiots)

"Hey we weren't fighting, right little guy?" Nate jokes at the man, the signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Te voy a matar, gringo comemierda!" He yells back, getting dragged away. (I'll kill you, gringo asshole)

"Hey, give me a call when your tall enough to ride the rides!" Nate shouts, smirking, as the guards pull him away.

(Y/N) follows them and Vargas until eventually they get to a cell and Vargas pushes him in. She leans against the doorway and flashes him a small smile, finding it funny how he ended in this position. 

"Oh come on, how long am I supposed to be in here for?" He asks and then looks around, only for it to be completely empty. ''And where's the toilet?" He questions, staring back at the two. 

"You're looking at it." Vargas answers and (Y/N) gives a sly smirk to him. He rolls his eyes, sarcastically yelling 'gracias' only for the door to be shut and bolted in his face.

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