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Sokka's POV

Oh my god I need to get in there and tell Katara everything.

"Bye everyone!", She smiled waving back at the Beifongs getting smiles and waves back, looks like she made a good impression, of course little miss goody two shoes.

"Oh no no no you aren't leaving now", I smiled at them with her, speaking through my teeth.

"What?", She continued to smile and wave, also speaking through her teeth.

"Wait Katara have a drink first before you go!", I pushed her into the kitchen and laughed lightly to make the Beifongs think everything is fine.

"Hey what is it?", Katara pouted and crossed her arms looking at me sternly, when I struggled to come out with what I needed to say she took a deep breath and put her hand on my shoulder. "You better spit it out because I am five seconds from bolting to the door and getting in bed".

"In bed? With Aang huh?", I gave her a look as to say come on you're better then that Katara, which she is of course, but she can't be that desperate tonight. "Damn you really do want-".

"One! Two!", Katara's cheeks quickly turned red as she stopped me from finished my sentence, beginning to count to five, "three!".

"Okay okay! It's Toph's dad..", I leant in closer to her as I whispered, she gave me a confusing look as she leant in with me. "He had lipstick on his collar", I bit my lip as I felt awkward saying it, because this is a really REALLY awkward situation to be in.

"Huh?", Katara raised a brow and stood back up straight and then realised after way too much thinking what was going on. "Oh! wait wait. Oh..", she turned back to look into the kitchen to see him.

"I know", I sighed looking with her and seeing the Beifongs so quiet, not even asking him anything.

"Well, what do we do? should we leave it and let them discuss it later or bring it up really weirdly or what?", Katara ran her fingers through her hair as she thought.

"I have no idea, just don't leave me with them", I looked at her worriedly.

"Why not?", she frowned and turned her attention back to me.

"I might just burst and announce it to them like an idiot because I suck at keeping secrets like that", I began to panic.

"Okay I understand that you do suck, but you can do this without me", she tried to find loopholes in this situation so she can jump into Aang's hippie arms.

"No I can't, I need you here don't go", I held onto both of her arms and begged for her to stay.

"Alright", she sighed angrily, I owe her one for sure.

"Thank you!", I beamed and walked out with her, "Toph's dad has lipstick on his collar!", I pointed just yelling it out like I said I would, I panicked at what I said and hid behind Katara. "Woah Katara what did you just say?", I asked pretending like she said it and not me.


Mai's POV

Today was the one day in the week where Ty Lee and I meet up without Azula being around, she calls it bestfriend day out, I call it therapy.

We always meet at the tea shop, grab something to drink and then go somewhere to talk but instead of Ty Lee meeting me, I was faced with Azula, great now to make conversation with someone I really can't be asked to talk to.

"Mai?", Azula raised a brow questioningly as she saw me sat at the bar, she walked over looking around to check if there was anyone else with me, she seems paranoid, that's hilarious.

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