You're Dating!?

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Suki's POV

"I'm gonna go check on her and whatever is going on", I looked back at Zuko and gave him a small smile before following Ty Lee out of the tea shop, I slowed down behind her so she wouldn't notice that I am literally stalking her right now, and if she is up to something I don't want her to get suspicious of me.

"Hello? Yeah it's me, it's nice to hear from you", I saw her stop outside the door so I decided to stand on the other side of it and sneakily overhear what she's saying. "Yeah halloween, same plan as before, no I don't really want to meet up before then, I'm uhh busy, anyway I really have to go, see you soonish", Her voice got slightly higher as she spoke, she was nervous here, is she arranging a date?

That's cute, trying to get over Azula. God I really hope she does so I'm encouraging this.

"Mhm, bye Jet", She ended the call. Jet? Where have I heard that name before? I'm gonna have to think this over. "Hi again, you following me or something?", Ty Lee pushed against the door to get back in, accidentally knocking me back whilst I was deep in thought figuring out where I heard that weird name before, it's definitely a rare one.

"Whaaaaaat? Pshh no", I pulled a face and shook my head as she returned a confused look before returning to the counter. Jet sounds like a name of a character from a movie or something, probably a really terribly made movie. Ty Lee's behaviour doesn't seem too out of the ordinary so I don't think anything bad is going on.

I walked over to the table Sokka and Toph were sat at, watching them sit closer together whilst Sokka scrolled through his phone, explaining in detail what he was looking at so Toph would understand what he was on about, he's pretty good at helping her, even when she doesn't want it.

"Yo, what are you looking at?", I felt awkward sitting at their table like they're the popular kids sharing an inside joke that I know absolutely nothing about as the loner. The dynamic of this friend group is getting a little icky.

"Just looking at some cool halloween costumes, we were thinking of doing a duo kinda thing", Sokka smiled with his eyes fixed on the phone. "You know for the troublesome tea shop of terror night Iroh is organising, he has some cool flavours to showcase, festive tea and whatever", he explained pretty poorly, focusing on his phone.

"Duo kinda thing? Don't you mean couples costume?", I furrowed my brows watching the two of them blush and get flustered after I spoke, immediately pulling themselves away from each other.

"Yeah kinda, but friends", Sokka shrugged letting out a nervous chuckle. I don't know how to feel about this new information they've given me from their reactions and body language.

They're falling for each other. Or already in love but holding back from each other. I'm not sure what I'm feeling, it's like disappointment I guess? not at them, I wouldn't hate them for being in a relationship. I guess I'm more disappointed at myself? Whatever it doesn't matter, I'm happy for them.

They do look good together, maybe Toph can finally help him change his toxic ways. He better not cheat on her because it definitely won't end well, especially since she's just found out about her father cheating on her mother. A fragile relationship for sure with Sokka's history.

I really hope they don't hurt each other, because god knows what would happen then, I could lose both of my friends. Maybe I should keep my distance and let them figure this out between them, or I could get involved and help push them in the right direction? The halloween party would be a place to get them closer.

"You know what I just realised I had to be somewhere right now, so I'll catch up with you both later", As much as I'm fine with whatever is going on or what will happen, I'm not a third wheeler kinda girl. 

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