chapter two: The arrival

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Two days have passed and my mothers arrival is imminent. I don't know if I am excited or mad. My feelings are all over the place, I mean I am happy that I will see my mother again but at the same time I am mad. Mad at her for leaving me for five years, mad at her for dumping the responsibilities of a queen on the five year old me. Mad at her for not even writing. Then there is the fear, I don't remember her much so I don't know what to expect from her. Will she be nice? No, no way she abandoned me! I guess I am afraid of change, what will happen to me when she comes home? Will I still be in charge of everything? Or will I be relieved of my duties? Would I be happy with that?

Sighing I pulled myself into a sitting position and rubbed the sleepy from my eyes. I don't know, I guess I might have free time. "Your highness!" Hina called through the door, her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke."come in" I said gogilly, rubbing more sleepy from my eyes. I slept in today, not on purpose of course I had a hard time falling asleep last night therefore I was exhausted.

The door to my room opened and in came Hina carrying her usual tray of food. She glanced over at the desk where all my school books were stacked and spread out. An expression of confusion on her face as she looked around the rest of the room. When her gaze finally landed on my sleepy form she smiled warmly. "So you slept in today, that's unusual" she said as she set the tray of food on my lap and sat down at the end of the large bed. "I had trouble sleeping last night" I stated as I scooped a mouth full of eggs into my mouth. Hmm, that reminds me! Placing the chopsticks down I formed the hand sign for ram sending chakra to my, er other me's.

Picking up the chopsticks once more I glanced up at Hina" what time is it?" I asked before taking another bite.''ten o'clock" she said with a smile, though that vanished when I choked on my food in shock. "T-ten" I stuttered, she meant to tell me I am five hours behind my training schedule. "Yup" Hina said, popping the P for emphasis. "You know you are still a child you really should not push yourself so much to grow up, enjoy life a bit and relax, enjoy childhood" Hina continued as the door opened and Yin the room. Hina sighed as she watched Yin walk over to the school desk and sit down. "I never had a childhood to enjoy Hina, I have a village to run. I can not afford to sleep in." drinking the last swallow of watcher I placed the tray to the side as I pulled back the covers.

Walking to the bathroom I turned on the water for the tub before exiting the room to find my clothes. "Here" said Hina as she held out a high-collared, light-coloured kimono with a dark sash. The collar of the kimono was adorned with magatama. "This is not my usual attire" I said questioningly as I took the clothes from her."no this is not but it will be. This is more formal, less child-like" she informed with a smile, "oh, okay" I said as I headed back to the bathroom. HIna followed as it was her job to tend to me.

Once I bathed, I dressed in the new clothes that fit quite well actually and sat down to let Hina brush my long white blueish hair. "Since your mother is returning home Commander Sachio asked me to inform you that you should skip training today" Hina informed as she ran the brush through my long locks." I understand his rashinal, however I don't have time to take a break not for a mother who abandoned me" I sneered as I grabbed the bandages from the vanity and began to wrap them around my shoulder length bangs on either side of my head, leaving my shorter bangs in my face.

Once I was done I stood from the stool and began to strap on my swords." don't worry Hina I will not ignore my mother I will send marionette to occupy her" sighing HIna nodded as she grabbed the discarded tray from the bed and exited the room, leaving me to my training.

Hurrying through the streets of the village as I walked to the gate, mother and the Uchiha are almost here and I am running late. I hope that Sachio has already formed the welcoming party and is waiting, otherwise I will be in big trouble. "Your highness! There you are I was begging to worry" said the man in question as I came in view of the gate to be relieved to see the welcoming party waiting.'' My apologies, I was running a little late" I said as I walked with Sachio to the rest of the group of people. Receiving bows and whispers as I went, this me does not get out of the palace that much so it is only to be expected for there to be some whispering among the people.

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