Chapter Thirty-Two: Rift

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Madara awoke early the next morning he needed to return to the hidden leaf. Sighing he glanced to his side where Akame lay her head resting on his bare chest her arms curled up next to her. Madara smile softly at her as he began to trace a circle on her back with the arm he had wrapped around her. She was fast asleep a smile on her face, sadness crept into Madara's gaze as he glanced to the window. He had to leave her, why was it always like this? They never got much time together anymore with him being in the village and her on track to be queen.     

Removing his arm from around her and gently moving her off of him and to a pillow nearby Madara sat up. Running a hand through his messy hair as he glanced over his shoulder once more at Akame. Her hair was spread out around her, her eyes closed and her breathing slow as her chest rose and fell. He felt bad about leaving without properly saying goodbye but he needed to get back. She would understand, she always did. Standing Madara dressed grabbed his swords and left the room. Walking down the oh familiar halls of the palace in silence everyone was still asleep making the halls feel like a graveyard.

Reaching the gate Madara stopped and looked to his side where the current queen stood her arms crossed. "I hope you don't think you can shed the duties you have taken on by marring my Daughter, when she is crowned queen in a week you will be given the title of prince consort that comes with responsibilities, Madara," said the woman coldly as he green eyes glared at him, Madara smirked over at the woman "I know what I am doing, " he said in a deadpan tone before continuing to walk through the gate and out into the blustery snow.

The wind howled as the golden sun shone down on the pure snow that crunched under his feet as he walked a good distance from the gate before summoning his bird to return faster.


Hashirama sat at his desk surrounded by piles of papers most of which were caused by Madara and his proclamation in the land of stone. Sighing he rested his head in his hands, why was Madara becoming more and more troublesome? Was there something going on with him? But they were getting along just fine.  The door to his office soon opened and in came Tobirama with another stack of papers. "He's been to other villages with the same proclamation brother, we need to do something about it," said the white-haired male as he placed the books down on the desk." oh . . .  yeas I will have a talk with him when he gets back," said Hashirama in a tone of dread. If something was going on with Madara he did not wish to provoke him. Tobirama scoffed as he crossed his arms" a talk? Brother he is making a mess" said Tobirama angrily his red eyes burning.

Hashirama smiled up at his brother weakly, what else did Tobirama want him to do? "He is the leader of the Uchiha clan brother there is not much else I can do with him but talk." Tobirama smeared and stormed from the office how was he to get rid of Madara if Hashirama was refusing to do anything about it. Biting his lip he left the building and walked towards the school where Shion would be teaching the next generation instead of that princess Madara seemed to treasure so much. As he walked he spotted long spiky black hair, stopping immediately Tobirama turned for a better look.

There, walking down the street, arms crossed a shadow over his eyes, a sword on his back was the Uchiha he hated the most, Uchiha Madara. Madara had made good time on his journey back to the village and had also stopped by a few others however he was not foolish. He was quite aware that by this point Hashirama had probably heard about it which was why he had sent a letter asking him to return like some dog being summoned by its owner. Gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw at the thought Madara walked towards the Hokage building fully aware of the burning eyes of the one Senju he hated the most.

Glancing over his shoulder he spotted the white-haired Senju a bit away his red eyes fixed on him like a hawk. Madara glared, his Sharingan activating on instinct causing Tobirama to smirk. Glaring daggers at the Senju Madara continued on his way deactivating his Sharingan as he did so.

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