Chapter Twenty-Five: I'll be with you from Dusk till Dawn

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Akame's green eyes fluttered open slowly as she rubbed them. She felt well-rested for the first time in who knew how long. Blinking a few times she realized she was not home, darn it again! She thought she really needed to stop sleeping at work. Rubbing her eyes once more and blinking, the events of last night trickled to the front of her mind. Shock ran through her as she turned to her side and sure enough there sat the resting Uchiha. His head slumped and his eyes closed, his dark messy hair falling in his face like a curtain. A small smile spread across her face. He looked so peaceful and not so angry. Lifting her hand to his face she brushed some of his hair behind his ear, his hair was soft and silky to the touch, his skin smooth and relaxed.

If he were awake he probably would have gotten mad at her for touching his hair, but she did not care. Akame watched Madara with a soft smile on her face, her thumb caressing his cheek. She wished this could last forever. Madara stirred from his slumber, his head slightly leaning into her touch, which surprised her. Her gaze was soft as she watched the infamous Uchiha in his vulnerable state, something she knew only she got to see.

Madara's dark eyes slowly opened his head, lifting sleepily as he observed his surroundings. Akame's hand fell from his face. Madara looked confused for a moment as to where he was, which caused Akame to chuckle slightly, gaining his sleepy attention. "You fell asleep in my office," she said as she stood up from her desk gathering the many papers into stacks. "Though it was most likely my fault as I fell asleep on you first . . . sorry" she continued her apology bewildering him. She had never apologized for using him as a pillow before? What had changed?

"Hmm" hummed Madara as he gathered the plans for the ranking system up and stood from his chair. Glancing to his side Madara observed the unusual quiet princess, something seemed off about her which bothered him. As much as he tried to suppress the worry inside he failed to hold back the question." Are you alright?" he asked, biting his lip after doing so. He needed to ignore his feelings for her safety so why was he so worried? "I'm fine we should get going," she said quickly as she placed a paper clip on some of her papers before walking around the table towards the door. That was a lie, since when did she lie to him? The fact he knew she had lied made his blood boil, had he really pushed her that far away that she would now lie to him? Sighing in irritation, Madara followed her.

"Princess," said Madara, causing Akame to stop in front of the door. Turning to face him she had a fake smile on her face. Akame jumped in shock as Madara's hands slammed into the door behind her on either side of her, trapping her. Akame glanced up at him, heat rushing to her face as her heart ran over time. Madara had never done this before in fact he rarely got this close unless they were sitting next to each other. A dark shadow hung over Madara's eyes as he seemed to be looking at the floor rather than her. "Tell me the truth," he said in a low tone that had a bit of an edge to it.

Akame bit her lip, he was angry, taking a deep breath Akame glanced to the side "fine . . . I'm angry" she said in annoyance before continuing her voice rising'' I'm angry because you keep pushing me away and all you say is that is for my safety! We are not at war anymore Madara you don't need to protect me! I just want you to be here . . . for me . . ." she drifted off. Had she really said that? Now he is only going to get angrier. "It is for your safety why can't you see that," said Madara coldly refusing to look at her. "from what?! Tell me!" she yelled in annoyance if she was going, to tell the truth then she might as well ask her burning questions too.

"From me!" he yelled back, finally looking at her for the first time in this whole discussion. Akame was shocked into silence Madara did not look as calm as he had been sounding, no he looked angry and his eyes were watery like he was in pain. "I'm the reason you almost died! The reason Izuna is gone! And the reason my father is dead! All I do is hurt the people around me . . . the one closest to me! I don't want you to get hurt again because of me!" he continued his voice cracking at the end as a tear slid down his cheek. He looked utterly vulnerable and . . . broken something she had never seen before.

Madara had always been calm and collected even when people died. The only time he was vulnerable was in the morning. He rarely let his emotions show let alone tears. Akame stared at him wide-eyed and silent as he continued his head dropping once more." your the only one I have left . . . and I don't want to lose you again . . . I care too much" he did not know how or why he was telling her this, maybe it was because he had been holding in all the guilt for so long that it was just spilling out now.

"We were at war Madara none of it was your fault," said Akame in a soothing tone as she reached up to his face and wiped a tear from his cheek. "You're not going to lose me Madara . . . you need to let go of all this guilt, it's tearing you apart" She continued as she brushed some hair out of his face as their eyes met. Akame felt a deep sadness inside her heart, how had she not noticed that he was tearing himself apart. It had been over a year since she came back had he been tearing himself apart for that long or had it been longer.

Madara looked away from her, something he did often when he was trying to hide his face from her. "You shouldn't see me like this," said Madara, a forced calm in his voice, his arms falling to his side. Akame stared up at the man she had loved for so long, she had never seen him break like this before and it was all because of her. What had she done to him?

Taking a breath Akame turned his head to face her, something he surprisingly did not resist. With sadness in her eyes at the pain she had caused him, Akame stood up on her tippy toes and gently pressed her lips against his. His lips were soft and warm against hers, something she relished in. A burning feeling spread through her body like fire at the contact, her heart racing in her chest.

Madara was stunned for a second by her action; they were childhood friends after all. However, for some reason, he felt no guilt but rather a feeling of pleasure had he really fallen for his childhood friend? Relaxing Madara gave into the soft kiss. Kissing her gently, his arms wrapping around her waist as he did so. Akames arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers running through his dark hair. A feeling of calm rushed through him as heat rose to his cheeks.

Though she wished the moment could last forever Akame soon pulled away sucking in a breath of air, her cheeks burning a bright red. Her fingers still thumbing through his silky hair as she spoke, her eyes full of affection as they seemed to sparkle up at Madara "I love you Uchiha Madara, I always have" Madara stared down at her, his expression soft and his eyes warm, his heart pounding in his chest. "I love you too Otsutsuki Akame" he said tenderly with a look of affection in his eyes Akame had never seen before.

Akame's eyes were wide as he spoke her name for the first time since she met him. It felt strange to hear him say it but it sent a feeling of happiness through her at the sound of it on his tongue. Akame smiled Happily up at him as she wondered how on earth she had hated him when she was younger. Kissing her forehead lovingly Madara spoke "thank you" he said his voice low and full of gratitude that sounded nothing like him. Akame had truly changed him and he didn't even know how she did it. "We should get going, Hashirama is waiting," said Madara as he released her from his grasp. Akame nodded her head and opened the door with a happy smile on her face as she interlaced her fingers with Madara's. Madara smiled fondly as he let her pull him down the hallway. She seemed so happy and that made him feel happy.

Truly, what had she done to him? he wondered.

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