Chapter Fourteen: The mission

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Tajima Uchiha walked through the halls of the feudal lords' palace, having made all the arrangements for the Chinoike Clan to be relocated to Valley of Hell all he had to do was wake the children. The halls were filled with the light of the sun as it made its journey across the sky. The air was brisk but the warmth of the sun was no less settling.

Entering the room he had left the three in, a smile graced his aging face. The room was small with a round table in the middle with a few chairs at it. One such chair was occupied by Tajima's younger son. His messy black hair covering his face as his head rested on his arms that were laying on the table. The boy's muscles were relaxed and his breathing slow and steady.

Tajima glanced around the rest of the room. There were a few boxes in one corner and a chandelier hung from the ceiling giving off a warm candle light. To the left across from the table on the floor sat Akame. Her head resting on Madara's shoulder, the long white blueish hair fell around her like a blanket as her delicate hands rested in her lap gracefully. She looked like an angel. Her pale face was relaxed. A small smile even seemed to grace her perfect lips.

Next to the girl sat Tajima's oldest and most ruthless of all his sons. The oldest known for being cold hearted, sat there on the floor letting Akame use him as a pillow. Madaras head was gently resting on top of the girls, his long dark hair fell in his face making it look like the Yin and Yang. Madara looked relaxed and at peace the usual scowl that Tanjima usually saw had vanished and was replaced with a relaxed expression. Tajima had never seen Madara so relaxed before it was slightly alarming. However, that is what Tanjima wanted.

The older man moved through the room quietly as he made his way over to Izuna's sleeping form at the table. Tanjima shook his son gently till he arose from his slumber with a big intake of air. The boy looked slightly disoriented as he looked around the room a bit trying to get his bearings. The boy looked over at his father with a sleepy look in his eyes. "What is it?" he asked groggily. "Time to go wake you brother and the Princess" said the man before exiting the room stealthily. Izuna groned, waking Madara was such a pain, pulling himself from his chair to his feet he looked around the room searching for where the two conked.

Finally his gaze rested on the sleeping pair causing him to chuckle to himself as he mumbled "sure they don't like each other" sarcasm was dripping from his voice but he soon turned serious as he added "if our plan goes wrong because of this I swear" the boy bent down in front of the two shaking his head and whispering "I cant believe father is making me do this." grabbing hold of Madara's free shoulder which just happened to be the one he injured, Izuna shook him rather roughly.

Madar awoke in minutes, raising his head and gritting in pain as he glared at his brother,who promptly removed his hand. "Don't ever do that again Izuna" Madara threatened as Izuna gave an apologetic innocent smile."Sorry but I had too, your other shoulder is preoccupied" said the boy as he raised his hands in a surrendering manner. "Hmm" Madara hummed as he glanced to his side and spotted Akames resting form. A smile formed on his face as he watched her but vanished when he turned to Izuna."What is it?' he asked, rubbing sleepy from his eye. "Do you want me to wake Akame so I can tell you?" Asked the other boy as he reached out to shake the girl, but his hand was slapped away by Madara. "You are not waking her up, you're too rough," said Madara with a defensive hand in front of the girl. "Oh what a gentleman you are brother when it comes to Akame".

"Shut up Izuna," Madara snapped as he gently shook the girl next to him. Akame stirred her green eyes slowly, opening to meet Madara gentle dark gaze."It's time to get up Princess" he said softly causing Akame to sleepily lift her head off his shoulder and rub her eyes. "How long was I out?" she asked groggily, the two boys shrugged "we were both out too" remarked Izuna before adding "either way Father says it is time to leave" Madara nodded instantly awake as he and Izuna got to their feet. Akame, a little slower and still slightly out of it blinked a few times as she slowly got to her feet. "Okay, let's go then" she said and slowly walked to the door letting out a yon.

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